Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (2024)

There are lots of reasons for the continued popularity of Vampire Survivors, not least of which is its low price point (free on Android!). But low prices will only get players through the door. What keeps them coming back to one of Android's best games again and again is the sheer abundance of content. Whether that's unlockable items, DLC, or massive updates that keep the game fresh, there's always something else to discover. But it can be daunting trying to make sense of all the content if you're a new player or if you're coming back after a break. And while you're delving into all the secrets Vampire Survivors has to offer, you should take a peek at these not-so-secret top-tier gaming phones.


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (1)

Vampire Survivors stages are the grand tapestry upon which the game is embroidered. Some characters are only unlockable by playing certain stages, and your performance can determine if you unlock the next. With a few exceptions, there are two ways to unlock new stages in Vampire Survivors: reaching a set level in a specific stage or unlocking Hyper Mode by defeating the 25-minute boss in a level.

Reach a level

  • Unlock Inlaid Library – reach level 20 in Mad Forest
  • Unlock Dairy Plant – reach level 40 in Inlaid Library or use the spell “everywhere”
  • Unlock Gallo Tower – reach level 60 in Dairy Plant or use the spell “everywhere”
  • Unlock Capella Magna – reach level 80 in Gallo Tower or use the spell “everywhere”
  • Unlock Tiny Bridge – reach level 80 in Gallo Tower with Inverse Mode turned on or use the spell “recyclethetower”

Defeat a stage boss

  • Unlock Il Molise – unlock Hyper Mode in one of the first five stages or use the spell “relaxenjoylife”
  • Unlock Green Acres – unlock Hyper Mode in two of the first five stages or use the spell “dotgogreenacres”
  • Unlock The Bone Zone – unlock Hyper Mode in three of the first five stages or use the spell “rottingpizza”
  • Unlock Moonglow – unlock Hyper Mode in four of the first five stages or use the spell “honesty”
  • Unlock Boss Rash – unlock Hyper Mode in all five of the first five stages or use the spell “peakgamedesign”


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (2)

Unlocking new characters to play is one of the most satisfying feelings in gaming, and Vampire Survivors has no shortage of character unlocks. Some unlocks require you to get good with a particular weapon, some require you to kill thousands of a particular mob, and others you just have to find lying around.

Power up items

  • Unlock Arca Ladonna – power up the Fire Wand to level 4 or use the spell “noneladonna”
  • Unlock Porta Ladonna – power up the Lightning Ring to level 4 or use the spell “vivaladonna”
  • Unlock Poe Ratcho – power up Garlic to level 7 or use the spell “strongestcharacter”
  • Unlock Christine Davain – power up the Pentagram to level 7 or use the spell “crystalmakeup”

Kill monsters

  • Unlock Mortaccio – kill 3000 Skeletons
  • Unlock Yatta Cavallo – kill 3000 Lion Heads or use the spell “yattapanda”
  • Unlock Bianca Ramba – kill 3000 Milk Elementals or use the spell “carramba”
  • Unlock O’Sole Meeo – kill 3000 Dragon Shrimp or use the spell “reset”
  • Unlock Sir Ambrojoe – kill 6000 Stage Killers or use the spell “languorino”
  • Unlock Krochi Freetto – kill 100,000 enemies or use the spell “accidenti”

Find coffins

In each of the first five stages, there’s a coffin lying around with an unlockable character. To get your Kinder Surprise, you’ll have to beat the ring of coffin guardians first, then purchase your new character on the character select screen. If you’re not sure how to find a coffin, get the Milky Way Map from the Dairy Plant first, then the coffin will be marked by a “?” on your map.

  • Unlock Pugnala Provola – open the coffin in the Mad Forest or use the spell “flymetothemoon”
  • Unlock Givanna Grana – open the coffin in the Inlaid Library or use the spell “thetwoassassins”
  • Unlock Poppea Pecorina – open the coffin in the Dairy Plant or use the spell “feldschlacht”
  • Unlock Concetta Caciotta – open the coffin in the Gallo Tower or use the spell “ifeellovevenus”
  • Unlock Zi’Assunta Belpaese – open the coffin in the Cappella Magna or use the spell “paradigmshift”

Legacy of the Moonspell

  • Unlock Miang Moonspell – open the coffin in Mt. Moonspell or use the spell "shounenheroine"
  • Unlock Menya Moonspell – evolve Silver Wind into Festive Wind or use the spell "youngatheart"
  • Unlock Syuuto Moonspell – evolve Four Seasons into Godai Shuffle or use the spell "itsnotaneclipse"
  • Unlock Babi-Onna – evolve Summon Night into Echo Night or use the spell "vogue"
  • Unlock McCoy-Oni – evolve the Mirage Robe into J'Odore or use the spell "ionicoionico"
  • Unlock Megalo Menya Moonspell – kill 100,000 enemies in one run with Menya or use the spell "elamadonna"
  • Unlock Megalo Syuuto Moonspell – kill 100,000 enemies in one run with Syuuto or use the spell "takeashower"
  • Unlock Gav'Et-Oni – kill 6,000 total Kappa enemies or use the spell "chevolano"

Tides of the Foscari

  • Unlock Eleanor Uziron – open the coffin in Lake Foscari or use the spell "spellsomething"
  • Unlock Maruto Cuts – unite SpellString, SpellStream, and SpellStrike into SpellStrom or use the spell "animeismypassion"
  • Unlock Keitha Muort – evolve Eskizzibur into Legionnaire or use the spell "oopsistoleoneagain"
  • Unlock Luminaire Foscari – break the Seal of the Abyss with Maruto in the Abbys Foscari stage or use the spell "deusexmachina"
  • Unlock Genevieve Gruyère – break the Seal of the Banished with Eleanor in the Abbys Foscari stage or use the spell "basicwitch"
  • Unlock Je-Ne-Viv – kill 100,000 enemies in one run with Genevieve or use the spell "theworldeater"
  • Unlock Sammy – kill 6,000 Sammy the Caterpillar enemies or use the spell "happybirthday"
  • Unlock Rottin'Ghoul – kill 6,000 Rotting Ghoul enemies or use the spell "souloftheparty"


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (3)

There are 32 base weapons available in Vampire Survivors and six weapon slots to fill. That means there are 652,458,240 possible weapon combinations, not taking into account weapon evolutions and unions. If you played a different combination of weapons every day, it would take you over one million years to go through them all. We can’t give you one million years, but we can help you unlock a few of them and recommend a few weapons of our own.


The most common way to unlock a weapon is by surviving for a set amount of time, usually with a specific character.

  • Unlock Runetracer – survive five minutes with Pasqualina Belpaese
  • Unlock Peachone – survive ten minutes with any character
  • Unlock Eight the Sparrow – survive ten minutes with Pugnala Provola
  • Unlock Phiera Der Tuphello – survive 15 minutes with Pugnala Provola
  • Unlock Song of Mana – survive 15 minutes with Poppea Pecorina
  • Unlock Gatti Amari – survive 15 minutes with Givanna Grana
  • Unlock Vento Sacro – survive 15 minutes with Zi’Assunta Belpaese
  • Unlock Pentagram – survive 20 minutes with any character
  • Unlock Bracelet – survive 30 minutes with Iguana Gallo Valletto or Divano Thelma

Legacy of the Moonspell

  • Unlock Silver Wind – survive 15 minutes with Miang Moonspell
  • Unlock Four Seasons – survive 15 minutes with Menya Moonspell
  • Unlock Summon Night – survive 15 minutes with Syuuto Moonspell
  • Unlock Mirage Robe – survive 15 minutes with Babi-Onna
  • Unlock 108 Bocce – survive 15 minutes with McCoy-Oni
  • Unlock Mille Bolle Blu – unlock Gav'Et-Oni
  • Unlock Night Sword – find it in Mt. Moonspell

Tides of the Foscari

  • Unlock Eskizzibur – survive 15 minutes with Maruto Cuts
  • Unlock Flash Arrow – survive 15 minutes with Keitha Muort
  • Unlock Prismatic Missle – survive 15 minutes with Luminaire Foscari
  • Unlock Shadow Servant – survive 15 minutes with Genevieve Gruyère
  • Unlock SpellString – survive 15 minutes with Eleanor Uziron
  • Unlock SpellStream – power up SpellStream to level 6
  • Unlock SpellStrike – power up SpellStrike to level 6
  • Unlock Party Popper – unlock Rottin'Ghoul


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (4)

Items are the seasoning that brings out the flavor of every Vampire Survivors playthrough. The right combination of items and weapons can unlock powerful weapon evolutions and turn your run from boring to based. There are a few different ways to unlock new items, but most of them boil down to leveling up weapons and surviving.

Level up weapons

  • Unlock the Bracer – power up the King Bible to level 4
  • Unlock the Candelabrador – power up the Santa Water to level 4
  • Unlock the Spellbinder – power up the Runetracer to level 7
  • Unlock the Duplicator – power up the Magic Wand to level 7


  • Unlock Hollow Heart – survive one minute with anyone
  • Unlock Tiragisú – survive 20 minutes with Krochi Freetto
  • Unlock Skull O’Maniac – survive 30 minutes with Lama Ladonna

You can unlock most weapons and items with the spell “everywhere” which also unlocks any of the first five stages you haven’t unlocked.


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (5)

PowerUps are the key to making your characters more powerful in the early game before you start amassing a horde of Golden Eggs. Most PowerUps are available right from the beginning, but there are a few that need to be unlocked, and for those, we’ve got you covered.

  • Unlock Skip (five available) – survive 30 minutes in Green Acres or The Bone Zone; or survive 15 minutes in Il Molise, Moonglow, or Boss Rash
  • Unlock Reroll (five available) – reach level 80 with Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, Bianca Ramba, O’Sole Meeo, and Sir Ambrojoe
  • Unlock Banish (five available) – fill 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 entries in the Collection


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (6)

The Arcana is a system that allows you to modify the behavior of your weapons or the strength of your stats during a playthrough. With a few exceptions, there are only two ways to unlock new Arcana.

Reach level 50

  • Unlock Gemini – reach level 50 with Pugnala Provola or use the spell “ilbagatto”
  • Unlock Twilight Requiem – reach level 50 with Dommario or use the spell “lapapessa”
  • Unlock Tragic Princess – reach level 50 with Porta Ladonna or use the spell “limperatrice”
  • Unlock Awake – reach level 50 with Krochi Freetto or use the spell “limperatore”
  • Unlock Chaos in the Dark Night – reach level 50 with Giovanna Grana or use the spell “ilpapa”
  • Unlock Iron Blue Will – reach level 50 with Gennaro Belpaese or use the spell “ilcarro”
  • Unlock Divine Bloodline – reach level 50 with Suor Clerici or use the spell “leremita”
  • Unlock Beginning – reach level 50 with Antonio Belpaese or use the spell “laruota”
  • Unlock Waltz of Pearls – reach level 50 with Imelda Belpaese or use the spell “lagiustizia”
  • Unlock Wicked Season – reach level 50 with Christine Davain or use the spell “lamorte”
  • Unlock Jail of Crystal – reach level 50 with Pasqualina Belpaese or use the spell “latemperanza”
  • Unlock Slash – reach level 50 with Lama Ladonna or use the spell “latorre”
  • Unlock Lost & Found Painting – reach level 50 with Poppea Pecorina or use the spell “lastella”
  • Unlock Boogaloo of Illusions – reach level 50 with Concetta Caciotta or use the spell “laluna”
  • Unlock Heart of Fire – reach level 50 with Arca Ladonna or use the spell “ilsole”
  • Unlock Blood Astronomia – reach level 50 with Poe Ratcho or use the spell “ilmondo”

Survive until minute 31

There are two ways to reach the 31-minute mark in a stage: incapacitate Death with the Clock Lancet/Infinite Corridor, or unlock Endless Mode, removing Death from the equation.

  • Unlock Mad Groove – survive until minute 31 in Mad Forest or use the spell “laforza”
  • Unlock Out of Bounds – survive until minute 31 in Gallo Tower or use the spell “lappeso”
  • Unlock Disco of Gold – survive until minute 31 in Inlaid Library or use the spell “ildiavolo”
  • Unlock Silent Old Sanctuary – survive until minute 31 in Dairy Plant or use the spell “ilgiudizio”


Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (7)

Relics are one-time items that permanently unlock new functionality in the game. Most of them don’t change the gameplay too much, but some of them are essential to unlocking all the content in the game.

Find on the ground

All of these except the Yellow Sign will have a green arrow pointing to their location on the map. In the case of the Yellow Sign, it will be at the end of a long passage with nowhere else to go.

  • Milky Way Map, unlocks the pause-menu map – south of the spawn point in Dairy Plant or use the spell “leadmetothecheese”
  • Sorceress’ Tears, unlocks Hurry Mode – south of the spawn point in Gallo Tower or use the spell “timecompression”
  • Randomazzo, unlocks Arcana – north of the spawn point in Gallo Tower or use the spell “randomazzami”
  • Yellow Sign, unlocks new items and events – east of the spawn point in Holy Forbidden or use the spell “ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit”
  • Chaos Malachite, unlocks the Goshadokuro morph for Mortaccio – near the player at minute 18 in the Bat Country stage or use the spell "gottagofast"
  • Chaos Rosalia, unlocks the Yatta Daikarin morph for Yatta Cavallo – at the top-right of the map in the Astral Stair stage or use the spell "coldwaterhotwater"
  • Chaos Altemanna, unlocks the Profusione D'Amore morph for O'Sole Meeo – west of the spawn point in Tiny Bridge stage or use the spell "recyclethetower"
  • Apoplexy, unlocks the Charm power up – near the player at minute 9 in the Bat Country stage or use the spell "tengillesbalm"
  • Antidote, unlocks the Defang power up – south of the spawn point in the Whiteout stage (spell currently undiscovered)
  • Trisection, unlocks random events – south east of the spawn point in the Astrail Stair stage or use the spell "haeralisploy"
  • Atlas Gate, unlocks Adventure Mode – spawns at minute 7 in Boss Rash stage (currently only available on PC)

Defeat a boss

These two relics can only be earned after picking up the Yellow Sign at the end of the Holy Forbidden stage.

  • Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane, unlocks the Secrets menu – defeat Sketamari in The Bone Zone
  • Great Gospel, unlocks Limit Break – defeat The Ender in Cappella Magna or use the spell “icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet”

Go forth and slay

That's a lot of content to unlock, but there are still a few secrets for you to unearth on your own. If this is all old news to you, but you're still hungry for more content like Vampire Survivors, check out some of the best Vampire Survivors clones on the Play Store.

Best Vampire Survivors secrets and unlocks (2024)
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