Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2024)


New Features:

Dragon: The dragon will fly around the map. He will spit fire on specific parts of the map every now and then, which will hurt you if you stand there (unless protected by the guard of Fafnir). You can ride him towards pack-a-punch, after you've collected 3 groph modules, you can ride him from the tank station, dragon control and the supply depot towards the pack a punch area.
Trials: Each player will get 3 trials/challenges with they need to complete. Completing one gives the player a reward. First one is always a max ammo, the ones after that can be all kind of power ups and weapons.

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Once you turn on the power, zombies can randomly drop cylinders, which you can use to call in groph pods. You can call these in at the computer near the 3 locations where you can ride the dragon from. There are 3 different colors of cylinders and each one corresponds with a specific location:
Tank station: Red cylinder
Dragon control: Blue cylinder
Supply depot: Yellow cylinder
Upon using the computer with the correct cylinder, a groph pod will be spawned in, which you need to protect for a certain amount of time (about a minute) from zombies. If you successfully defeat the zombies who will start attacking the groph pod, you can pick up the groph pod from its module. You will need to call in and defend a groph pod from all 3 locations. Once you have got the groph pod from all 3 locations, place these pods in the middle of the dragon control bunker. This allows you to ride the dragon from any of the 3 platforms for 500 points. First , you will need to call him in. Wait a few seconds to allow the dragon to get towards you. Then, press Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (1) to ride the dragon (towards the hatchery/pack-a-punch)

  • Taking Flight

    In Gorod Krovi, ride a Dragon.

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The Guard of Fafnir is the zombie shield on this map. You will need to find 3 parts which spawn in random spots around the map.

Once the shield is built, press Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (6) to pull it out. While it is out, zombies can hit it to damage it, and after enough damage it will break and you must get a new one. While the shield is out, you can press Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (7) to fire a blast that will kill any zombies in your path. For this achievement, simply gather 10 zombies and blast them with the shield.

  • Blown Away

    In Gorod Krovi, kill 10 zombies at once with the Guard of Fafnir.

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In front of the building where the power is turned on, there is a stairway leading up to the building, and at the top is a pad connected to a red box at the bottom of the stairs. Activating this will cause the pad to become a trap that flings you or any zombies that walk over it, killing the zombies. For the Zombiepult achievement, simply gather 10 zombies at the bottom of the stairs, then activate the trap and lead them into it. If they are all flung at the same time, you will get the achievement.

  • Zombiepult

    In Gorod Krovi, launch 10 zombies into the air at the same time.

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The next two achievements are somewhat connected. Take the dragon ride to the house with Pack-a-Punch. You will land in the upper floor. Walk past the staircase to the next room over where there should be a machine in the corner with some red lights and a weird device sitting at the top. All players in your game must hold Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (16) on this machine to start a lockdown event. What this means is you will all be stuck in the house, and four phases of enemies will attack the house. So it is best to have good weapons, and someone should have the Ray Gun Mk 3 which can be acquired from the Mystery Box. Zombies and Manglers will attack the house from each of the three open sides of the house in different phases, and then the last phase will have every window open and enemies come from every direction. The safest spot to be is where you land on the upper floor of the house. Once you survive all four waves, go back to the machine and you can acquire the Not One Inch achievement and the Dragon Strike item.

  • Not One Inch

    In Gorod Krovi, complete a Lockdown Event.

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The Dragon Strike is used by pressing Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (21) and selecting a spot on the map. All nearby zombies will be attracted to this spot and fire will rain down killing them. For the Fire Mission achievement, simply gather 8 zombies and aim the Dragon Strike anywhere nearby outdoors. Once they are all killed you will get the achievement.

  • Fire Mission

    In Gorod Krovi, kill 8 zombies with a single Dragon Strike.

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In the spawn area, you will notice four tombstones with four symbols on each. Each tombstone corresponds to a player in the game, and they have unique challenges to acquire rewards. The left, top, and right challenges are simpler and give instructions when you look at them, giving rewards such as perks, weapons, and max ammos. But the bottom challenge is not as clear in instruction, and it will give you the Gauntlet of Siegfried which is needed for this achievement.

The first step is acquiring a Dragon Egg. Go to the house using the dragon ride, and go to the bottom floor. At the grate in the floor that leads to the sewer and back to spawn, walk to the edge on the right and look up to the ledge behind and above you. There is a dragon egg. Shoot it with a bullet weapon and it will drop to let you pick it up using Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (26). You must now take this egg to one of the locations where dragons breath fire and place it into a small nest. Since you are already in spawn after going through the sewer, just place it there. At the center in front of the building, near the tombstones is a little hay nest that you can press Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (27) on to place the dragon egg. Now, you must wait for a dragon to breath fire on the area, and then you must wait a full round for the egg to cool before you can pick it up again.

With the egg now back in your possession, you must complete some challenges to imprint on the baby dragon inside. (Neat, right?) First, press Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (28) and take a look a the bottom right where you can see the egg. There is a circle around it that will fill up more and more as you complete these challenges. So take note of how far along you are every so often so you know when you are done with each challenge.

First you must kill around 10-15 zombies that are on fire by letting them walk through the dragon's fire and killing them. When completed, the egg circle will fill a little more.

Next can be a little tricky. You need to get multi-penetration kills. To do this, you need to kill more than one zombie with a single bullet. The easiest way to do this is with a sniper rifle, however it can be done with other bullet weapons if they are high enough damage or if you grab an insta-kill. Just remember, it has to be one bullet to kill them completely. The Ray Gun Mk 3 does not count for this.

Lastly, kill zombies using melee. You can grab the Bowie Knife or use the shield to bash zombies. Just do this until the circle fills up completely and you know you are done.

Now head to the house again, and to the bottom floor. In the center are some incubation chambers. Place your egg into the open one and a sort of lockdown will begin where you must survive for around 30 seconds in this small room. So be sure to have a full shield and good weapons. When the lockdown ends, you must wait a round or two for the egg to incubate and you can pick it back up. Once you can, grab it and go back through the sewer.

Go up to the tombstone and look at the bottom symbol to claim the gauntlet.

  • Wield a Fist of Iron

    In Gorod Krovi, wield the Gauntlet of Siegfried.

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There are two traps on the map that can be activated which will cause a broken down Gigant Robot to shoot its laser in one spot, killing any zombies that walk through. One is at the Tank factory on the bridge between the bottom floor and Double Tap, and the other is at the supply depot in the middle of the room at the foot of the stairs. Just activate these traps and kill zombies to get the achievement.

  • Vaporeyezed

    In Gorod Krovi, use the Gigant Beam to kill 20 Zombies in one activation.

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In the spawn area are the four tombstones used to acquire the Guantlet of Siegried. Viktorious Revenge asks that you complete the other three trials, which vary from game to game. Simply look at the symbols to see the possible challenges, which can be:

  • Stand in fire for 45 seconds (Best to use the shield as holding it out blocks damage but you can stay as long as you like.)
  • Shoot all arms off of 6 Valkyrie Drones
  • Shoot the camera off of 6 Valkyrie Drones (This means shoot the center light)
  • Use all 3 Dragons
  • Get burned by fire and survive
  • Get 100 kills with the MG-42 Turret (The turret is found in the house. This can be tough solo as zombies can come from behind.)
  • Shoot the arm off of 5 Mangler's (This can be tough as it is inconsistent, but aim for the cannon hand and eventually you will get 5.)
  • Shoot the helmet off of 5 Mangler's
  • 10 Headshots on Napalm Zombies
  • 10 Headshots on Electric Zombies (Electric zombies are spawned when you get far away from Valkyrie Drones. These guys can actually be pretty tough and spawn infinitely until you find the Valkyrie spawning them so be careful.)
  • 100 Kills with Dragon Strikes
  • Kill 8 zombies simultaneously using the elevator The elevator is a trap/path at the top floor connecting the armory and infirmary. Just lead zombies through the elevator after activating and with the right timing you will get it.)

Most of them are self-explanatory but some are harder than others.

  • Viktorious Revenge

    In Gorod Krovi, complete all solo Trials in one Zombies game.

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Time Attack requires you to get to round 21 in under 32 minutes. You just need to survive and work swiftly, not stopping killing zombies to do anything. Don't try to get the gauntlet or do the easter egg in this time as it will only slow you down. Prioritize getting good weapons like the Ray Gun Mk 3 and Dingo, and survive in the manner that best suits you. Co-op can be easier if your teammates are cooperating, and Gobblegums that help speed up the game or get you good weapons faster are always good. You can check the time by hitting Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (42).

  • Time Attack

    In Gorod Krovi, complete Time Attack: Round 20.

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Finally, the easter egg Love and War. Unfortunately, as of December 2018, this achievement is unobtainable. During the end cutscene before the achievement can be acquired, the game will crash beginning June of 2018. Treyarch has said they are looking into it, but I would not expect a fix soon as they are currently supporting the launch of Black Ops 4. But when they do fix it, here is the guide.

In my opinion it is the toughest easter egg in Black Ops 3, and I was only able to complete it in Co-op but it is possible Solo. I very HIGHLY recommend you use Gobblegums to help get set up in early rounds, and Undead Man Walking is INCREDIBLY useful for a certain step that is borderline unfair without it.

First, turn on the power and get the dragons set up to go to Pack-a-Punch. You will also need the Guantlet of Siegried, the Shield of Fafnir, and the Dragon Strike.

Step 1: Collecting the trophies

There are six trophies around the map acquired through various methods in any order.

  • For the first one, after going to the house, go through the sewer and look up as you go through. There should be a red light and switch that you must shoot as you pass under until it turns green. If it turned green, you can head back to the house again, and on the ground floor there should be a toilet now clogged with the trophy sitting in it.
  • In the Supply Depot area, activate the Gigant laser beam for 1500 points. On the floor where the laser was shot, you should not be able to acquire the trophy.
  • Outside of Dragon Command is a large tank and above it on a wall a mural of Russian soldiers. In the hand of one on the right is the trophy, which you simply shoot and pick up when it lands.
  • At the Tank Factory next to Double Tap is a window seemingly held open by nothing. Using the shield, blast it and the trophy will pop up.
  • Go to the Supply Depot and to the open area outside the building where you drop down from Speed Cola. Near the wall is a puddle of water. Aim the Dragon Strike on this spot to cause the trophy to spawn.
  • Near the shield table is a safe. Use the Gauntlet of Siegfried's punch ability by hitting Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (48) to release the baby dragon, and then Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (49) to punch the safe and the trophy is inside.

Step 2: Using the pressure valves

This step is a little confusing, but an excellent resource to use is .

This gives you the locations of every valve location and a way to figure out how to complete this step. So first thing you need to do is go into the house, and on the bottom floor to the right of the incubation machine is a generator covered by a tarp. What you need to do is have a Valkyrie Drone spawn in, and kill it near the generator so that it explodes nearby. The generator will now turn on and you have a limited time to do this step after you activate it. If you fail to do it in time, go back to the generator and hold Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (50).

Here's the lowdown on this step. Basically, every game is different, and one of the valves will be open and will have a green light, one will have a cylinder floating inside and a pink light. Take note of what location each of these is in. Go to the website I mentioned earlier and using the two drop-down menus at the top, put where the green and pink valves are located on the map. Using some crazy method I do not know, you will now see a list of what numbers are associated with each area. Go to each one mentioned and hold Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (51) so that the arrow above the valve is pointed to the corresponding number. If you've done this correctly, at the green valve there should be the cylinder you saw earlier now available to pick up.

Now, go to Dragon Command and go up to Sophia (The machine in the corner with the ball at the top that talks and looks at you.) Hold Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (52) on the button to activate her, and place the cylinder into her. Some assorted letters should now show up, and you must type in a password by shooting the letters to change them. The password is KRONOS. Now hit the button to input the password.

Step 3: The Challenges (The longest and most difficult part of the easter egg)

On the opposite side of the room from Samantha is a large screen and spots to place the trophies. Place them here and you can be presented with a random challenge based on the trophies. If you fail a challenge, you must wait until the next round and go back to the screen to activate your challenge again. BIG NOTE: One of these challenges will present to you a sequence of locations on the map that you must take note of quickly, so read over this guide first and have your phone ready to take a picture of a quick way to note this down as the challenge I am referring to requires you to be incredibly fast, and if you fail you die and the game can completely end there. I will list that challenge first, but note they are in a random order for each game.

  • The Bomb Challenge

This one looks like a Nuke powerup. There are six bombs on the map that must be defused in order in a short amount of time or they will explode and kill anyone nearby. Make sure before you do any of these challenges that you know where every bomb on the map is and have someone nearby ready to activate them before starting a new challenge until this one is done. There are six bombs, one in each area of the map, planted on the walls. When starting the challenge, a map of the map will show up on the screen and areas will flash in order that you must defuse the bombs. It might be safe to record this with your phone in case you forget, but you need to tell your team the order and you must COMMUNICATE WHICH BOMBS HAVE BEEN DEFUSED. One wrong move and the whole run is ruined. The amount of time you have scales depending on number of players, so you have very little time in four player co-op, but enough time to traverse the whole map in Solo. Still incredibly stressful and requires a complete knowledge of the map and where the bombs are located. You have been warned. If you complete this trial, hats off to you. Head back to the trophies to complete the next one.

  • The Mangler Challenge

This trophy looks like a Mangler. Somewhere on the map will be a (somewhat) friendly Mangler. Getting close will cause him to follow you. You want to lead him towards the challenge screen, and past it to a corner where there is a pad for him to get pulled in. Getting too far from him will cause him to walk away, and he will occasionally shoot you with his cannon. There are still zombies attacking you at this point, and this is a great point to use the Undead Man Walking gobblegum to make this challenge a breeze. Just be careful as you can accidentally kill the Mangler yourself.

  • The Groph Module Challenge

This one looks like a Groph Module that you used to get the dragon ride. A Groph Module will spawn outside the map somewhere, probably by a dragon location. Zombies will not spawn inside the map, but they will spawn outside and attack the Module like earlier in the game. Simply defend it by shooting down below with your weapons and Dragon Strikes. Undead Man Walking helps slow the zombies down to better defend the module. Don't worry about watching your back, just defend the Module. Once completed and the pod is opened, release your baby dragon from the Gauntlet, and it will fly to the pod and retrieve a part for you to pick up from it.

  • The Valkyrie Challenge

This one looks like a Valkyrie Drone. Like the Mangler challenge, a friendly Valkyrie will spawn somewhere in the map that you must escort through the map. This one moves on its own towards the end point as long as you stay near it. Just be careful not to damage it and try to stay alive. Again, Undead Man Walking is a blessing here.

  • The Gersh Challenge

Somewhere on the map will be a yellow whisp that floats through walls and can be easily heard. Using upgraded weapons, shoot the whisp when it is visible to cause it to zoom to another spot on the map. Keep following it around, shooting it when possible. It will eventually end up back at Dragon Command and the challenge is complete.

  • The Group 935 Challenge

This one looks like a Group 935 Logo. It is always the last challenge. Take a keycard that comes from a drawer under the trophy machine. All players should head to the house, and on the ground floor there is a red computer screen near the toilet. Placing the keycard in will cause the house to go into lockdown, and many Manglers will spawn in and you will be stuck in the house. Keep killing them and surviving while the computer downloads. Once complete, pick the keycard back up, and head back to Sophia. Place the keycard into her and you will be given a power core.

Take the power core to the spawn towards the edge facing away from the map looking towards some buildings. Release the baby dragon to give Nikolai 1.0 the power core.

Step 4: The Boss Fight

This boss fight is no pushover. Get geared up with everything you can and have maximum ammo and shield health as well as good Gobblegums. Head to Sophia and stand on the grate in front of her. If all players are here, you will be dropped into the sewers and sent to the boss arena. The first part of the fight will be against the Dragon. Zombies and Manglers will spawn so be careful, and the dragon will occasionally light the area on fire and you will need to hold your shield out to survive. When the dragon perches on one of the buildings, you must shoot the glowing orange spot on its body to damage it. If you damage it enough in each of its spots, it will fly away and Nikolai 1.0 will shoot the dragon to create a new weak point. Keep doing this until the dragon is dead.

You will go into a short cutscene, and then the hard part of the boss fight will begin. You must now fight Nikolai in his suit. Stick to the edges of the arena and take cover in the trench areas when Nikolai is performing his ranged attacks. He can shoot you, stun you using harpoons, release RAPS, and jump around the arena. When he releases RAPS, they will rolls towards you and explode, so be very wary of them. A good gobblegum to counter these is Danger Closest as they will do no damage to you.

There are four weak points you must destroy to take down Nikolai. Two are the glowing orange lights always visible next to the co*ckpit window. The other two only pop up sometimes when he is preparing for an attack, and they are two glowing orange cylinders that pop out of his shoulders. Also keep note that zombies and Manglers will continue to spawn around you and can easily trap you in the trenches in the corners. Once you manage to take out all four weak points, a last one will spawn very obviously under the co*ckpit window. Destroy this, and you have completed this doozy of an achievement.

  • Love And War

    In Gorod Krovi, the one must be freed.

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Hopefully Treyarch can get this fixed soon!

10. DLC 4: Revelations8. DLC 2: Zetsubou No Shima

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Guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.