Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (2024)

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (1)












GUIDE: EXAM NO: 801014





Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (2)






This is to certify that the project report entitled “PRODUCTION OF FORMALIN FROM

MEHANOL OXIDATION” which is being submitted by sh*tOLE KARAN (Exam No:

801014) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor

of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) to The M. S .University of Baroda, has been carried

out by him under my supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this report has

not been submitted for the award of any other degree of research work.

Guide Head

Mrs. Manjeet Mukhi Dr. BinaSengupta

Chemical Engineering Dept. Chemical Engineering Dept.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (3)



I express my deepest sense of gratitude to my respected guide Mrs. Manjeet Mukhi for her

valuable guidance, constructive criticism and constant encouragement during the entire course of

studies, till the completion of this seminar.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering

Dr. Bina Sengupta for granting the permission to do work on my project.

I am highly thankful to the authorities of Prof. T.K Gajjar library of M.S. University for

providing valuable references throughout the preparation of this project report. I would also like

to take this opportunity to thank all my friends without whose support I would not be able to

complete this report in time.

Finally, my grateful acknowledgements are of those who have helped me directly or indirectly

for preparing this project report.

Presented by:


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (4)



Formaldehyde, one of the important industrial chemicals, finds its applications in polymeric

resins like phenol formaldehyde, adhesives, alkali resins for paints and coatings etc.

Manufacturing of formaldehyde (as formalin) is done through three major processes. This project

is aimed at designing plant producing 37 weight % formalin by methanol oxidation process using

Fe-Mo oxide catalyst.

The project assigned in this semester provides the opportunity to fulfill this desire &a feeling of

satisfaction of study of different subject of in chemical engineering. The project report is purely

academic in the nature, prepare solely from the literature available from various journals, books

& papers. This report is so limited to academic use. Most of the data are available from internet,

so the authenticity of data has to been checked by the reader himself. Some data was not

available and so reasonable assumption have been made

The process includes a vaporizer, a tubular reactor, an absorber, network of heat exchangers,

pumps, compressors and other basic utilities like steam, process water, air etc.

I have prepared a project report on Formalin, which includes topic of Manufacturing Processes,

Material balance, Energy balance, Design of equipments, Cost estimation & a brief description

on utilities, plant layout, location & Safety & Environmental consideration.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (5)


Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 7

2.1 History .......................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Physical Properties....................................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Chemical Properties. ................................................................................................................. 10

2.4 Different Manufacturing Processes ........................................................................................... 11

2.5 Market Survey of Formalehyde: .................................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER 4 ENERGY BALANCE ............................................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER 5 DESIGN OF EQUIPMENTS ........................................................................................... 27

5.1 Tubular Packed Bed Reactor (Shell and Tube) ........................................................................ 27

5.2 Packed Bed Absorber ................................................................................................................ 37

5.3 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger ................................................................................................... 40

CHAPTER 6 COST ESTIMATION & PROFITABILITY ..................................................................... 45

CHAPTER 7 PLANT LOCATION & SITE LAYOUT .......................................................................... 49

6.1 Factors affecting location of plant ................................................................................................ 49

6.2 Site layout.................................................................................................................................... 52

CHAPTER 8 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ........................................................................ 58

CHAPTER 9 SAFETY AND HANDLING............................................................................................ 62

RFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 68

APPENDIX 1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FORMALIN ...................................................... 70

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (6)


List of Figures

No Figure Page number 1.1 Structure of Formaldehyde 1

2.1 Process Flow Diagram 15

2.2 Production of HCHO by region 16

2.3 Production of HCHO by country 17

7.1 Site Layout 56

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (7)



Formaldehyde is the first aliphatic aldehyde (H2C=O). At ordinary temperature pure

formaldehyde is colorless having a strong pungent, suffocating odor and is readily soluble in

water. Commercially 37 % (by weight and 40 % by volume) formaldehyde dissolved in water is

sold as formalin. Also a small amount of 1-2 % methanol is added as a stabilizer to prevent

oxidation and polymerization.

Formaldehyde has disinfectant properties due to which it is used in soap as a disinfectant.

Formaldehyde in hydroalcoholic solution is used widely in the sterilisation of surgical goods. It

is also used as a preservative in cosmetic products to increase their effectiveness against

different micro-organisms. Smaller amounts of formaldehyde are also used to make lubricants,

in leather tanning, paper coating and laminating, photographic chemicals, dyes, well-drilling

muds, and to impart wrinkle resistance to fabrics. Formaldehyde is mainly used in plywood,

paint and pharmaceutical industries.

Growth in formaldehyde consumption is generally correlated with growth in the construction


Figure 1 Structure of formaldehyde.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (8)



2.1 History

The ease with which methanol passes on oxidation from formaldehyde to formic acid and thence

to carbon dioxide and water made the isolation of formaldehyde difficult. Therefore aldehydes

like propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde etc were discovered first. Formaldehyde was first prepared

by Alexander Mikahilovich Butlerov in 1859 as the product of an attempted synthesis of

methanediol (CH2 (OH) 2). The preparation was carried out by hydrolyzing methylene acetate

previously obtained by the reaction of methylene iodide with silver acetate but he did not isolate

formaldehyde. It was done in 1869 by August Wilhelm Von Hoffman by passing a methanol

vapor along with oxygen over spiral platinum catalyst. This procedure was the direct forbear of

modern methods of formaldehyde manufacture.

Today, formaldehyde is manufactured principally from methanol; limited amounts are also

produced by the oxidation of natural gas and the lower petroleum hydrocarbons. The formation

of formaldehyde by the passage of methanol and air over a heated metallic catalyst was first

believed to be a gas-phase oxidation process, as indicated in the following equation:

CH3OH + 0.5O2 -> HCHO + H20

Industrial production of formaldehyde became possible in 1882, when TOLLENS discovered a

method of regulating the methanol vapour: air ratio and affecting the yield of the reaction. In

1886 LOEW replaced the platinum spiral catalyst by more efficient copper gauze. A German

firm, Hugo Blank, patented the first use of a silver catalyst in 1910. In 1905, Badische Anilin and

Soda-Fabrik (BASF) started to manufacture formaldehyde by a continous process employing a

crystalline catalyst. Formaldehyde output was 30 kg/day in the form of an aqueous 30 wt%

solution. The methanol required for the production of formaldehyde was initially obtained from

the timber industry by carbonizing wood. The development of high-pressure synthesis of

methanol by Badische Anilin and Soda-Fabrik (BASF) in 1925 allowed the production of

formaldehyde on a true industrial scale.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (9)


Formaldehyde is more complicated than many simple carbon compounds in that it adopts several

different forms. As a gas, formaldehyde is colorless and has a characteristic pungent, irritating

odor. Upon condensation, the gas converts to various other forms of formaldehyde (with

different chemical formulas) that are of more practical value.

2.2 Physical Properties.

CAS number 50-00-0

Molecular weight 30.03 g/mol

Boiling point 98o C (-117 for HCHO gas)

Melting point -15o C (-19.2 for HCHO gas)

Density 0.8153 g/cm3 ( HCHO gas)

Solubility Easily soluble in cold water, hot water.

Soluble in diethyl ether, acetone, alcohol

Auto ignition temperature 430 o C ( Formalin)

Flash point 64 o C (Formalin)

Critical Temperature 137.2-141.2 o C ( HCHO gas)

Critical Pressure 6.784-6.637 o C ( HCHO gas)

Heat of Formation (25o C) -115.9 kJ/mol

Heat of combustion (25o C) 561.5 kJ/mol

Heat of vaporization at -19.2 o C 23.32 kJ/mol

Specific Heat Capacity 35.425 J/mol K

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (10)


2.3 Chemical Properties. Formaldehyde is one of the most reactive organic compounds known. The various chemical

properties are as follows:

Decomposition: At 150oC formaldehyde undergoes heterogeneous decomposition to form

methanol and CO2 mainly. Above 350oC it tends to decompose in to CO and H2.

Polymerization: Gaseous formaldehyde polymerizes slowly at temperatures below 100oC,

polymerization accelerated by traces of polar impurities such as acids, alkalis or water. In water

solution formaldehyde hydrates to methylene glycol Which in turn polymerizes to

polymethylene glycols, HO (CH2O)nH, also called polyoxy methylenes.

Reduction and Oxidation: Formaldehyde is readily reduced to methanol with hydrogen over

many metal and metal oxide catalysts. It is oxidized to formic acid or CO2 and H2O. In the

presence of strong alkalis or when heated in the presence of acids formaldehyde undergoes

cannizzaro reaction with formation of methanol and formic acid. In presence of aluminum or

magnesium methylate, paraformaldehyde reacts to form methyl formate (Tishchenko reaction)

Addition reactions: The formation of sparingly water-soluble formaldehyde bisulphite is an

important addition reaction. Hydrocyanic acid reacts with formaldehyde to give glyconitrile.

Formaldehyde undergoes acid catalyzed Prins reaction in which it forms α-Hydroxymethylated

adducts with olefins. Acetylene undergoes a Reppe addition reaction with formaldehyde to form

2- butyne-1, 4- diol. Strong alkalis or calcium hydroxide convert formaldehyde to a mixture of

sugars in particular hexoses, by a multiple aldol condensation, which probably involves a

glycolaldehyde intermediate. Acetaldehyde, for example reacts with formaldehyde to give

pentaerythritol, C (CH2OH)4.

Condensation reactions: Important condensation reactions are the reaction of formaldehyde

with amino groups to give schiff’s bases, as well as the Mannich reaction. Formaldehyde reacts

with ammonia to give hexamethylene teteramine and with ammonium chloride to give

monomethylamine, dimethylamine, or trimethylamine and formic acid, depending upon reaction

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (11)


conditions. Aromatic compounds such as benzene, aniline, and toluidine combine with

formaldehyde to produce the corresponding diphenyl methanes. In the presence of hydrochloric

acid and formaldehyde, benzene is chloromethylated to form benzyl chloride. Formaldehyde

reacts with hydroxylamine, hydrazines, or semicardazide to produce formaldehyde oxime, the

corresponding hydrazones, and semicarbazone, respectively.

Resin formation: Formaldehyde condenses with urea, melamine, urethanes, cyanamide,

aromatic sulfonamides and amines, and phenols to give wide range of resins.

2.4 Different Manufacturing Processes

Silver Catalyst Process: The silver catalyzed reactions are operated at atmospheric pressure and

very high temperatures (600oC – 650oC) presented by the two simultaneous reactions below (1)

and (2). The standard enthalpies of these two reactions are ΔHo1 = -156 KJ and ΔHo2 = 85 KJ

respectively. The first exothermic reaction produces around 50 % -- 60 % of the total formed

formaldehyde. The rest is formed by the second endothermic reaction. These reactions are

usually accompanied by some undesired byproducts such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon

Dioxide (CO2), Methyl Formate (C2H4O2) and Formic Acid (CH2O2). The catalyst to be

implemented in the reactor’s design is silver wired gauze layers or catalyst bed of silver crystals

(to be decided) with a bulk density of 1500 kg catalyst/ m3 of reactor’s volume. The catalyst is

spherical with 1mm diameter and a void fraction or porosity of 0.5. The common design of the

silver catalyst is a thin shallow catalyzing bed with a thickness of 10 to 55 mm. The capacity that

the catalyst can handle could reaches up to 135,000 ton/year. The usual life span of this catalyst

is three to eight months, where the silver can be recovered. The purity of the feed flowrates is

very crucial due to the fact that the catalyst is very receptive to poisoning that would kill the

reaction and reduces the production to zero if traces of sulfur or a transition metal are present.

Following reactions take place

CH3OH + ½ O2 HCHO + H2O (1) CH3OH -> HCHO + H2 (2)

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (12)


Production from Methane and other Hydrocarbons gases: Another method of producing

formaldehyde is through the oxidation of hydrocarbon gases. An increase in the amount

produced of formaldehyde is expected in this process. However, the hydrocarbon formaldehyde

is usually obtained as dilute solution which is not economically concentrated accompanied by

other aldehydes and by-products. However, improvements have been effected by the use of

special catalysts and better methods of control. Wheeler demonstrated that methane is not

oxidized at an appreciable rate below 600°C. The difficulty in this method is in controlling the

oxidation of reaction. Ethylene, ethane and propane oxidations can be controlled to yield

formaldehyde under similar conditions to methane. Higher hydrocarbon gases can be oxidized at

much lower temperatures than methane and ethane. These methods have been described by Bibb

also reported by Wiezevich and Frolich, who used iron, nickel, aluminum, and other metals as

catalysts and employed pressures up to 135 atmospheres. The Cities Service Oil Company has

developed a commercial process using this method.

Metal Oxide Process: The Formox process developed by Reichhold chemicals to produce

formaldehyde through direct catalytic oxidation of methanol and some other by-products such as

carbon monoxide and dimethyl ether forms. In 1921, the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde

with vanadium pentoxide catalyst was introduced to and patented. Then in 1933, the iron-

molybdenum oxide catalyst was also patented and used till the early 1990’s. Improvements to the

metal oxide catalyst were done through the metal composition, inert carriers and preparation

methods. The first commercial plant for the production of formaldehyde using the iron-

molybdenum oxide catalyst was put into action in 1952. Unlike the silver based catalyst in this

project, the iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst makes formaldehyde from the exothermic reaction

(1) entirely. Under atmospheric pressure and 300 – 400 oC, methanol conversion inside the

reactor could reach 99% and a yield of 88% - 92%. The process begins by mixing of vaporized

methanol and air prior to entering the reactors. Inside the heat exchanger reactor, the feed is

passed through the metal oxide catalyst filled tubes where heat is removed from the exothermic

reaction to the outside of the tubes. Short tubes (1 – 1.5 m) and a shell diameter 2.5 m is the

expected design of typical reactors. The bottom product leaving the reactors is cooled and passed

to the absorber. The composition of formaldehyde in the absorber outlet is controlled by the

amount of water addition. An almost methanol-free product can be achieved on this process

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (13)


design. The advantage of this process over the silver based catalyst is the absence of the

distillation column to separate unreacted methanol and formaldehyde product. It also has a life

span of 12 to 18 months, larger than the sliver catalyst. However, the disadvantage of this

process design is the need for significantly large equipment to accommodate the increased flow

of gases (3 times larger) compared to the original silver catalyst process design. This increase in

equipment sizing clashes with economic prospect behind the design costs. Around 70 %

production of formalin is made by this process. The main reactions occurring are:

CH3OH + ½ O2 -> HCHO + H20

HCHO + ½ O2 -> CO + H20

Comparison of various processes available for formaldehyde production and catalysts used in the


Catalyst Processes

Dehydrogenation and partial

oxidation Silver based catalyst 450-720 o C

Oxidation process Modified iron-oxide-molybdenum oxide catalyst 280-

400 o C

Silver catalyst process Bayer, Chemical construction, Ciba, DuPont, IG Farben,

Cdf, Chemie process, BASF process, ICI process

Iron-Molybdenum processes

Degussa process, Formox processes, Fischer-Adler,

Hiag-Lurgi, IFP-Cdf,Chemie, Lumnus, Montedison

Nikka, Topsoe, Prolex

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (14)


Metal oxide (The Formox process) process is selected for this project. In this project

conversion of 99 % and yield of 93 % is taken. Air in excess is mixed along with recycle stream

(from absorber) and fed to a blower (at 30o C). Fresh Methanol (liquid) is pumped to a vaporizer

along with the mixed stream of air. The temperature in the vaporizer is 300o C, superheated

steam is used to achieve such higher temperatures. The mixture turns in gaseous phase and enters

an isothermal reactor, essentially a shell and tube heat exchanger. The reaction mixture enters on

the tube side containing Iron-Molebdenum catalyst. Dowtherm oil is used to maintain the

temperatures and to avoid runaway reaction. Oil coming out from shell side is cooled using

boiler feed water (BFW). The products coming out of the reactor is at 300o C is cooled to 110o

C in another heat exchanger using BFW. These cooled products enter to an absorber. Process

water enters from the top and through counter-current flow and proper monitoring desired

strength of formalin is attained. In market 37-55 % formaldehyde is commercially sold and some

amounts of methanol (0.5- 1.5 % wt/wt %).

Reasons for selecting this process:

Higher conversion than silver catalyst process (up to 99 %)

As air is taken in excess, complete conversion of methanol takes place whereas in silver

catalyst process excess of methanol is taken which prevents its complete conversion.

As conversion is higher, unreacted compounds are formed very less and thus purification

steps become simpler.

In Metal Oxide process, a distillation column is excluded. The reaction products are

directly fed to the absorber while in silver process distillation column and an absorber is

required to achieve desired results.

The major drawback is that as air is in excess quantities, there is a formation of a very dangerous

reaction mixture so proper care has to be taken in operating the plant. Also the equipment sizes

have to be increased to accommodate the compounds. The Fixed capital cost is less than silver

process but the Operating cost is more.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (15)



Large tonnage of formaldehyde is used in the manufacturing of various thermosetting resins and

plastics: urea-formaldehyde and phenol- formaldehyde. It also finds application in production of

pentaerythritol, hexamethylene tetramine, disinfectants, biocides, preservatives, reducing agents,

and corrosion inhibitors for oil drilling and industrial sterliants, slow release fertilizer, textile


Some major intermidiates derived are chelating agents, acetal resins, 1.4- butanediol, polyols;

methylene diisocyanate.

It is also used in production of sealants, herbicides, fertilizers, coatings and pharmaceuticals. It is

also sold in the solid form as paraformaldehyde or trioxane.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (16)


Fig 2.1 Process Flow Diagram

Me thanol


Vaporis er

Isotherm al r eactor

He at Exchanger 1

He at Exchanger 2

Process water

Re cycle stre am


Form alin( 37 % formaldehyde)







Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (17)


2.5 Market Survey of Formalehyde:

2.5.1 Major manufacturers of formaldehyde:

1 Kanoria Chemicals and Industries, Kolkata

1 Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd, Raigadh

2 Rock Hard Petrochemicals Industries Ltd

3 Asian Paints

4 Vedanta Polychem Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

5 Ina India Ltd, Banglore

6 Agrosyn Impex, Daman

7 Nikunj Chemicals, Ankleshwar

8 Arrow Fine Chemicals, Rajkot

The first two companies account for 44 % of formaldehyde demand. The production of

formaldehyde is sufficient to meet the domestic demand. The production of formaldehyde has

increased, at a similar pace as its demand. Its production has increased from 0.2 mmtpa in 2004

to 0.23 mmtpa. In India there are about 17 manufacturing units.

In 2012, the global production capacity of formaldehyde surpassed the 46.4 million tones mark.

In the same year, the Asian-Pacific region held a share of 56 % of the world’s total formaldehyde

capacity. It was followed by Europe and North America, accounting for 22% and 15.83 %

shares, respectively. China was an unrivalled leader in terms of formaldehyde capacity,

accounting for over 51% of the total capacity.

Fig 2.2 Structure of the world capacity broken down by region, 2012

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (18)


Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Dynea, Perstorp, Georgia-Pacific Corp, Celanese, Ercros S.A,

Kingboard Chemical Co, DB Western Inc, BASF AG, Sadepan Chimica, Metafrax, Yunnan

Yuntianhua Co, Tomskneftekhim and Nantong Jiangtian Chemical Co are among the top

companies operating in the world formaldehyde market.

As of 2012, the global formaldehyde production registered a 4.7% YoY increase and almost

reached 40.9 million tonnes. In the same year, the global capacity utilization rates stood at 88%

(in average). Asia-Pacific was the largest regional producer of formaldehyde, accounting for

around 55% of the world’s total formaldehyde production volume. China ranked first in the

world in terms of formaldehyde production volume, holding a 50% share of the global output. It

was followed by the USA, Russia and Germany, accounting for 14.47%, 6.68% and 5.12%

shares, respectively.

Fig 2.3 Structure of the world production broken down by country, 2012

During 2010-2012, the world formaldehyde consumption was following an upward trend, and in

2012 it exceeded 40.8 million tones. In 2012, the Asian-Pacific region consumed as much

formaldehyde as Europe, North America and Latin America together. Meantime, the share of

other regions was slightly over 3%.

In 2012, the production of urea- and phenol-formaldehyde resins was the major application area

of formaldehyde, accounting for over half of the world’s total formaldehyde consumption.

The unfavorable economic climate in the mature markets is expected to have a negative

influence on the worldwide formaldehyde production; though, the latter is poised to witness

positive growth in the years ahead, increasing annually by around 5%. In 2017, the global

formaldehyde production is anticipated to exceed 52 million tone

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (19)



Basis: 20000 tons per annum of formalin (37 % formaldehyde) and 7400 tons per annum

formaldehyde gas and 320 working days.

Formaldehyde produced per annum = 0.37 * 20000

= 7400 tons per annum

Therefore, formalin produced per day = (20000*1000)/ 320

= 62500 kg/day

Formaldehyde produced per day = (7400*1000)/ 320

= 23125 kg/day

CH3OH + ½ O2 -> HCHO + H20………. (1)

HCHO + ½ O2 -> CO + H20………. (2)

Mol wt of Methanol = 32 kg/kmol

Mol wt of formaldehyde = 30 kg/kmol

Mol wt of water = 18 kg/kmol

Mol wt of carbon monoxide = 28 kg/kmol

Mol wt of nitrogen = 28 kg/kmol

Mol wt of oxygen = 32 kg/kmol

Conversion of first reaction = 99 %

Yield = 93 %

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (20)


Kmol/day of formaldehyde produced in first reaction = 23125/30

= 770.83 kmol/ day

Let ‘x’ kmol/day be the amount of formaldehyde used in second reaction

% Yield =

0.93 = 770.83 ÷ (770.83 + 푥)

X = 58.02 kmol/day

Total formaldehyde produced in both reactions = 770.83 + 58.02 = 828.85 kmol/day

According to stoichiometry of reaction and conversion being 99 %, amount of methanol fed is

=828.85 / 0.99

= 837.225 kmol/ day

Therefore unreacted methanol = 837.255 – 828.85 = 8.3722 kmol/day

Now, air is taken in excess = 5000 kmol / day

Nitrogen present in the stream = 5000-1050

= 3050 kmol / day

Oxygen present in the stream = 0.21*5000

= 1050 kmol / day

According to stoichiometry of reaction 1, 1 mole of methanol reacts with 0.5 mole of oxygen

Oxygen reacted in first reaction = Total formaldehyde produced in first reactions / 2

= 828.85 / 2

= 414.4267 kmol /day

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (21)


According to stoichiometry of reaction 2, 1 mole of formaldehyde reacts with 0.5 mole of oxygen

Oxygen reacted in second reaction = amount of formaldehyde used in second reaction / 2

= 58.02 / 2

= 29.01 kmol/ day

Therefore total oxygen formed in first reaction = oxygen reacted in first reaction + oxygen reacted in second reaction

= 414.4267 + 29.01

= 443.4267 kmol/ day

Unreacted oxygen = 1050 – 443.4267

= 606.56 kmol / day

Amount of CO formed = amount of formaldehyde used in second reaction = 58.02 kmol/day

Amount of water formed in both the reactions = amount of methanol reacted in first reaction + amount of formaldehyde reacted in second reaction

= 828. 85 + 58.02

= 886.57 kmol/ day

In order to calculate amount of reactants and products in kg/day, we have to multiply the amounts obtained in kmol/day by each component’s molecular weight.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (22)


Material balance over the reactor is given in the following table:



Out (kmol/day) In




CH3OH 837.2255892 8.372255892 26791.21886 267.9121886

N2 3950 3950 110600 110600

O2 1050 606.5633333 33600 19410.02667

HCHO 0 770.8333333 0 23125

CO 0 58.02 0 1624.56

H2 O 0 886.8733333 0 15963.72

Total 170991.2 170991.2

Amount of water present in exit stream from reactor = 15963.72 kg/day

Amount of water to be present in exit stream in order to form a 37 % solution of formaldehyde =

62500 – 23125 – 267.91 – 1624.56 = 37482.53 kg/day

Therefore amount of water added in the absorber = 37482.53 – 15963.72 = 21518.81 kg/day

Material balance over the absorber is given in the following table:

In(kg/day) out(kg/day) In(kmol/day) Out(kmol/day)

CH3OH 267.9121886 267.9121886 8.372255892 8.372255892

N2 110600 110600 3950 3950

O2 19410.02667 19410.02667 606.5633333 606.5633333

HCHO 23125 23125 770.8333333 770.8333333

CO 1624.56 1624.56 58.02 58.02

H2 O 15963.72 37482.52781 886.8733333 2082.362656

Total 192510.03


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (23)


CHAPTER 4 ENERGY BALANCE Basis: 20000 tons per annum of formalin (37 % formaldehyde) and 7400 tons per annum

formaldehyde gas and 320 working days.

Reference temperature – 298 K

Compound C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

CH3OH 39250 87900 1916.500000 53650 896.7

HCHO 33270 49540 1866.6 28020 934.9

H20 33360 26790 2610.5 8900 1169

N2 29110 8610 1701.6 100 909.79

O2 29100 10040 2526.5 9360 1153.8

CO 29110 8770 3085.1 8460 1538.2

Specific heat = C1 + C2* {(C3/T)/sinh (C3/T)} 2 + C4*{(C5/T)/cosh (C5/T)} 2

Average Cp is calculated by multiplying mole fractions of each component with the Cp at the

particular temperature.

Energy balance over the Vaporizer:

The stream enters at a temperature of 298 K and exits the vaporizer at 573 K.

Inlet & outlet data of the components

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (24)


Compound M.F. Cp at 27 O C Average Cp Cp at 300 O C Average Cp

CH3OH 0.143429 44124.15 6328.67 68762.15345 9862.4869

HCHO 0 35429.83 0 49124.90 0

H20 0 33583.00 0 36598.016 0

N2 0.676691 29131.62 19713.11 30250.69 20470.3699

O2 0.17988 29352.69 5279.96 32310.48 5812.0091

CO 0 29141.311 0 30610.83 0

Enthalpy for any stream can be found out by

ΔH = m*Cp*ΔT

Where, ΔH = Enthalpy change

m = molar flow rate (kmol/day)

Cp = Average heat capacity (KJ/(kmol*K))

ΔT = Tstream – Treference (K)

Compound Flowrate (kmol/day) ΔH (inlet) (J/day) ΔH (outlet) (J/day)

CH3OH 837.2255892 10597047.74 2270705640.36

HCHO 0 0 0

H20 0 0 0

N2 3950 155733620.3 22074223489.5

O2 1050 11087921.53 1666012666.5

CO 0 0 0

ΔH = Σ ΔH outlet - Σ ΔH inlet

ΔH = 26010941796.36 - 177418589.5

ΔH = 25833523206.86 J/day

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (25)


Energy balance over the Reactor:

Reactor is isothermal; therefore temperature is constant throughout the process.

Inlet & outlet data of compounds at 300 O C

Compound Cp at 300 O C Mole fractions

Average Cp Mole fractions

Average Cp

CH3OH 68762.15345 0.143429 9862.4869 0.001333 91.6614

HCHO 49124.90 0 0 0.122731 6029.1594

H20 36598.016 0 0 0.141207 5167.89521

N2 30250.69 0.676691 20470.3699 0.628915 19025.1044

O2 32310.48 0.17988 5812.0091 0.096576 3120.4279

CO 30610.83 0 0 0.009238 282.7792

ΔH over the reactor:

Compound Flowrate (kmol/day)

ΔH (inlet) (J/day)

Flowrate (kmol/day)

ΔH (outlet) (J/day)

CH3OH 837.2255892 2270705640.36 8.372255 211038.4689

HCHO 0 0 770.8333 1278056130.0452

H20 0 0 886.8733 1260398776.7103

N2 3950 22074223489.5 3950 2066019654.5000

O2 1050 1666012666.5 606.5633 520502687.2199

CO 0 0 58.02 4511883.5256

ΔH = Σ ΔH outlet - Σ ΔH inlet

ΔH = 26010941796.36 – 5129700170.8767

ΔH = 20881241625.483 J/day

Heat of reaction ΔH1 = 37238400000 J/day

Heat of reaction ΔH2 = 412128000 J/day

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (26)


Therefore total Heat duty of the reactor = ΔH + ΔH1 + ΔH2

= 20881241625.483 + 37238400000 + 412128000

= 58531769625.483 J/day.

Energy Balance over Heat Exchanger 2:

The exit stream from the reactor enters this HE and exits at a temperature of 110 0 C

Data of compounds at 110 0 C

Compound Flowrate (kmol/day) Cp at 110 0 C Mole fractions Average Cp

CH3OH 8.372255 50335.61272 0.001333 67.0973

HCHO 770.8333 38532.64496 0.122731 4729.15

H20 886.8733 34103.24103 0.141207 4815.6163

N2 3950 29223.26181 0.628915 18378.9477

O2 606.5633 29920.68421 0.096576 2889.62

CO 58.02 29287.38703 0.009238 270.5568

Compound Flowrate (kmol/day) ΔH (inlet) (J/day) ΔH (outlet) (J/day)

CH3OH 8.372255 211038.4689 47749.2349

HCHO 770.8333 1278056130.0452 309857835.5590

H20 886.8733 1260398776.7103 363021529.15875

N2 3950 2066019654.5000 6170731690.275

O2 606.5633 520502687.2199 148982682.65041

CO 58.02 4511883.5256 1334304.97056

ΔH = Σ ΔH outlet - Σ ΔH inlet

ΔH = 58531769625.483 – 10261166791.848

ΔH = 48270602833.634 J/day

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (27)


CHAPTER 5 DESIGN OF EQUIPMENTS 5.1 Tubular Packed Bed Reactor (Shell and Tube)

The chemical reaction taking place in the reactor is:

CH3OH + ½ O2 -> HCHO + H20

The rate of reaction is:

-rm = (k1*P) / 1 + k2 * P

Where P is partial pressure (atm) of methanol. The rate expression is only valid when oxygen is

present in excess. The constants are defined as:

lnk1 = 12.5 – 8774 / T

lnk2 = -17.29 + 7439 / T

The temperature in the reactor is 573 K, putting this value in above equations we get;

k1 = 0.06

k2 = 0.01346

The conversion is 99 % and yield is 0.93. The concentrations of the compounds in the reactor at

different conversions are given in the following table:

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (28)


conversion CH3OH HCHO H20 N2 O2 CO



0 14.32 0 0 67.7 17.98 0


0.1 12.888 1.33176 1.432 67.7 17.264 0.10024


0.2 11.456 2.66352 2.864 67.7 16.548 0.20048


0.3 10.024 3.99528 4.296 67.7 15.832 0.30072


0.4 8.592 5.32704 5.728 67.7 15.116 0.40096


0.5 7.16 6.6588 7.16 67.7 14.4 0.5012


0.6 5.728 7.99056 8.592 67.7 13.684 0.60144


0.7 4.296 9.32232 10.024 67.7 12.968 0.70168


0.80 2.864 10.65408 11.456 67.7 12.252 0.80192


0.9 1.432 11.98584 12.888 67.7 11.536 0.90216


0.95 0.716 12.65172 13.604 67.7 11.178 0.95228


0.99 0.1432 13.18442 14.1768 67.7 10.8916 0.992376


Rm 1/rm Conversion

0.729613532 1.370589 0

0.667518101 1.498087 0.1

0.603333049 1.657459 0.2

0.536951093 1.862367 0.3

0.468257475 2.135577 0.4

0.397129306 2.518072 0.5

0.323434827 3.091813 0.6

0.247032598 4.048049 0.7

0.167770589 5.96052 0.8

0.085485174 11.69793 0.9

0.04315411 23.17276 0.95

0.008697815 114.9714 0.99

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (29)


The area under the graph of 1/rm vs conversion gives volume of the reactor and is equal to 7 m3.

Feed flow rate into the reactor = 170991.22 / (24*3600) = 1.98 kg/sec

Density of the gas, assuming as an ideal gas = P*M / R*T

Avg molecular weight of the gas = 0.1434*32 + 0.67*28 + 0.18*32 = 29.1088 kg/kmol.

Therefore density = 101.325*29.1088 / 8.314*573 = 0.6191 kg/m3

Vol. flow rate = 1.98 / 0.6191 = 3.198 m3/s.

Space velocity = Vol. flow rate / Vol. of reactor

= 3.198 / 7

= 0.4568 second.

Inside dia of the tubes = 0.04328 m

Outside dia of the tubes = 0.0508 m

Area of one tube = × 푑

= × 0.04328

= 0.00147 m2

Assuming Superficial velocity = 4.5 m/s.

Total area for the tubes = Vol. flow rate / superficial velocity

= 3.198 / 4.5

= 0.710684 m2

Therefore number of tubes = 0.710684 / 0.00147

= 483 tubes.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (30)


Tube length = Vol. of reactor / (No. of tubes * Area of one tube)

= 7 / (483 * 0.00147)

= 10 m

Area occupied by the tubes = 483 * 3.14 * 0.508 * 10 = 759 m2

Total Heat Duty, Q = 58531769625.483 J/day

= 677451.037 J/sec

Catalyst used is Iron-Molybdenum oxide,

Therefore diameter of catalyst pallet, DP = 0.003 m

Tube Outside diameter, DT = 0.0508 m

Therefore, DP/DT = 0.0693

Tube side heat transfer co-efficient:

hi* dt / k = 0.813 e-6*dp/dt *( dp*G / µ )^0.9

Where, hi = HTC of tube,

dt = tube outside diameter = 0.508 m

k = thermal conductivity = 0.031308333 W / m-K

µ = Viscosity = 2.56667E-05 Pa-s.

G = Gas mass velocity,

By above equation we can get, hi = 13.919097 W / m2-K

Now, Q = m*Cp*∆T,

We use Dowtherm Q for cooling of reaction heat,

Heat capacity of Dowtherm Q, = 1811 J/ kg-K

Taking ∆T = 10o C,

Therefore, Flow rate of Dowtherm Q, = 677451.04 / 1811 * 10 = 37.407567 kg / s

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (31)


Density of Dowtherm Q, = 927.6 kg/m3

Therefore, Volumetric flow rate, = 37.407567 / 927.6 = 0.04032 m3 /hr

Shell side calculations:

Equivalent Diameter of Shell is given by,

de = (1.1 / do) * (Pt -0.0907*do ^2)

Here, Pt = triangular pitch = 1.25 * 0.4328 = 0.0635 m

do = 0.0508 m

Therefore, Equivalent Diameter de = 0.0366293 m

Bundle Diameter,

Db = do * (Nt / K1 ) ^ 1/n1

Nt = No. of tubes, = 483

K1 = 0.319 & n1 = 2.142

Therefore, Db = 1.5511 m

Ds = Db + 0.015 =1.5661 m

Bundle spacing, = 0.4*Ds = 0.4 * 1.5661 = 0.6264 m

Area of Shell,

As = {(Pt – do) * Ds*Bs } / Pt

Therefore, As = {(0.0635 – 0.0508 ) * 1.5561 * 0.6264} / 0.0635

= 0.1962349 m2

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (32)


Gas mass velocity, Gs = Flowrate of Dowtherm / As

= 37.4075 / 0.1962

= 190.62645 kg / m2-s

Reynolds No; Re = Gs * As / µ

Where µ = Dowtherm Q viscosity = 0.00128 Pa-s

= 190.6264 * 0.1962 / 0.00128

= 5455.09

Prandtl No., Pr = Cp * µ / k

Where, Cp = Dowtherm Q specific heat capacity 0.0753 kJ/mol K

k= Dowtherm Q thermal conductivity = 0.1156 W/ m K

Pr = 0.0753 * 0.00128 / 0.1156


Now, Nusslet No. Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.3

=0.023 * (5455.09)0.8 * (20.05)0.3


Nusselt No; Nu = h0 * de / k

Therefore, ho = (55.1849 * 0.0366) / 0.0366

= 174.16 W / m2 - K

Now, Overall Heat Transfer Co-efficient, Uo:

(1/Uo) = (1/ho) + (1/hi) + {(do ln (do/d i)) / 2kw}

= (1/174.16) + (1/13.9190) + {(0.0508* ln (0.0508/0.04328) / 2*0.0128}

= 0.0778

Therefore Uo = 12.8474 W / m2-K

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (33)


Pressure Drop Calculations:

Shell side pressure drop,

∆Pt = 8 jf * (Ds/de) * (L/lB) * (ρ*ut2/2)

From the Graph of Jf vs. Re, Jf = 0.07

us = 190.6264 / 927.6 = 0.2055 m/s

Therefore, ∆ps = 8* 0.07*(1.5661/0.0366)*(10/0.6264)*(927.6*0.2055052 / 2) / 1000

= 7.3738 kPa

Tube Side Pressure drop,

∆P = 8 * jf * ( L / di ) * (ρ * ut ^2 ) / 2

For this Re = (0.6191 * 0.4568 * 0.04328) / 2.56667E-05 = 476.96

From the Graph of jf vs. Re, jf = 0.016

Therefore, ∆pt = {8 * 0.016 * (10 / 0.04328) * 0.06191 * 0.45682} / 1000

∆pt = 0.0018822 kPa

Mechanical Design

Operating Pressure = 101.325 + 7.37388 kPa = 108.6988 = 0.108699 N / mm2

Design Pressure = 0.108699 + (0.1*0.108699 = 0.119569 N/mm2

MOC = Carbon Steel

f = 80 N/mm2

Diameter of shell = 2 m

Corrosion allowance = 3 mm

Joint efficiency, J = 0.85

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (34)


Thickness, ts = PD/ (2fJ + P)

= (0.119569*2)/ (2*80*0.85 + 0.119569)

= 1.755 + 3 mm

= 4.755 mm

Torispherical head

Crown radius, Rc = 2 m

Knuckle radius, R1 = 10% of Rc = 0.1*2 = 0.2 m

Stress intensification factor, W = (1/4)*(3+ sqrt (Rc/R1))

= (1/4) *{(3 + sqrt (2/ 0.2)}

= 1.54

Thickness, th = P * Rc* W / 2* f * J

= (0.1195*2*1.54) / (2*80*0.85) + 3mm

= 0.0057089 m

Gasket Design

Gasket factor, m = 3.75 N/mm2

DIG = Inside gasket diameter = Ds + 0.25 = 2 m

DOG = Inside gasket diameter

Y = minimum design seating stress = 5.35 Kg f/mm2 = 5.35*9.81 = 52.483 N/mm2

(DOG / DIG) = sqrt {(Y – P*m)/(Y – P (m+1))}

= sqrt {(52.483 – 0.1195*3.75)/ (52.483 – 0.1195*(3.75+1))}

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (35)


= 1.0011

DOG = 2.0023 m DIG = 0.2 m

Gasket width, N = (DOG - DIG) / 2 = (2.0023 – 2) / 2 = 0.002264 m

We use N = 0.0011509 m

Mean Gasket diameter, G = (DOG + DIG) / 2 = (2.0023 + 2) / 2 = 2.00115 m

Basic Gasket seating width, bo = 0.035 / 2 = 0.0174 m

Effective Gasket seating factor, b = 0.5 * sqrt (bo) = 0.5 * sqrt * (17.5) = 2.091 mm

Bolt Design

Minimum initial bolt load at atm. Pressure and temp.

Wm1 = π*b*G*Y = 3.14*2.091*2001.151*52.483 = 689797.01 N

The Gasket is compressed under tight pressure.

Required bolts load (Wm2)

Wm2 = H + Hp = 2*π*b*G*m*P + (π/4)* G2 *P

= (2*3.14*2.091*2001.151*3.75*0.1195) + (3.14*(2001.151)2*0.1195 / 4)

= 387664.47 N

Required (min) bolt cross section area

Am1 = Wm1/f = 689797.01 / 80 = 8622.463 mm2

Am2 = Wm2/f = 387664.47 / 80 = 4845.806 mm2

No. of bolts = Avg D / 2.5*10 = 2001.15 / (2.5*10)

= 80

Am2 = n*(π/4) D2

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (36)


D2 = (4* Am2)/ (n* π) = (4*4845.806) / (80*3.14) = 77.16

Diameter of bolt, D = 8.78 mm

Actual bolt area, Ab = 2*π*Y*N*G / f = 2*3.14*52.4835*0.035*2001.15 / 80

= 288562.79 mm2

Here we get Ab> Am2, so this is correct.

Take standard bolt of 18 mm

Pitch of bolts = 4.75*18 = 85.5 mm

Pitch diameter, Cb = (Pitch*n)/ π = (85.5*80)/ 3.14 = 2179.59.30 mm

hG = (Cb – G) / 2 = (2179.59 – 2001.15) / 2 = 89.22 mm

H = π*G2 *P / 4 = {3.14*(2.0015)2*0.1195 / 4} * 10-e6 = 375878.2 N

K = 1/ (0.3 + 1.5*W*m*hG / HG) =1/ (0.3 + 1.5*387664.47*3.75*89.22/ (375878.2*2001.15))

= 2.71

Flange thickness, Tf = G*(P / K * f) 1/2 + c

= 2.0015*(0.1195 / 2.71*80)1/2 + 3

= 50 mm


Nozzle diameter = 75 mm

Thickness of nozzle, tn = PD/ (2fJ – P) = (0.1195*75)/ (2*80*0.85–0.1195) = 0.0659 + 3 mm

= 3.0659 mm

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (37)


5.2 Packed Bed Absorber

Mass of liquid leaving column = 62500 / 3600 = 17.36 kg/day = 1.97 kg/sec

Average Mol. Weight of the gas

= 0.0013*32 + 0.63*28 + 0.096*32 + 0.122*30 + 0.0092*28 + 0.1412*18

= 27.2128 kg / kmol

Density of the gas (assuming as an ideal gas) = P*M / R*T

= 101.325*27.2128 / 8.314*573

= 0.578 kg / m3

Now, × √ ϸϸ ϸ

= 17.36 / 47.11 * √ .. = 0.009

Considering pressure drop of 400 Nm2 / m

From the graph in Treybal, the value of ordinate = 0.09

Therefore 0.09 = (G’^2 * C * µ^0.1) / ϸg * (ϸg - ϸl)

G’ = 2.27 kg / m2 – s

Cross section area of column = 1.97 / 2.27 = 0.86 m2

Diameter of column d = sqrt {(4 * 0.86) / 3.14}

D = 1.2 m

HG = G’ / ky * aw

HL = L’ / kx * aw

Kg = [C * (G/ at* µ) ^ 0.7 * (µg / ϸg D g) ^ 0.33 * (at * dp) ^ -2] *(at * D g / R * T)

C = 5.233

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (38)


ap = 102 m2 / m3 , area of packing

at = 89, packing factor

µg = 2.56 * 10 ^ -5

D g = 10 ^-6 m/s2, assuming diffusivity of gas

dp = 0.015 mm , diameter of packing

Therefore, Kg = 8.44

ky = kG * P/RT = 8.44 * 1/0.0821*573 = 0.179

Kl= [0.0051 * (L/ aw* µ) ^ 0.67 * (µl / ϸl D l) ^ -0.5 * (at * dp) ^ 4] * (µl * g / ϸl) ^ 0.33

ϸl = 1000 kg/m3

µl = 10 ^ -3 Pa-s

aw = 33.52

D l = 10^ -9 m/s2

Therefore, Kl = 0.00025

kx = kl * C = 0.00025 * 56.27 = 0.014

HG = 2.27 / (0.179 * 33.52) = 0.378 m

HL= 1.97 / (0.014 * 33.52) = 4.2 m

HOG = HG + m * HL

Here m = absorption factor = 0.8 (assuming)

Therefore, HOG = 3.738 m

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (39)


From equilibrium relation, m = 0.067

Now, NOG = (y1 – y2) / (y – y’)m

y1 = 0.14

y2 = 0.013655

x1 = 0

x2 = 0.2125

(y - y’)m = (y2-y2 ‘)- ( y1-y1’ ) / ln ((y2-y2 ‘)/ ( y1-y1 ‘ )) y1-y1’ = 0.14 – 0.067*0 = 0.14

y2-y2’ = 0.013936 – 0.1365 = 0.000286

(y - y’)m = -0.1394 / -5.476 = 0.0254

NOG = (0.14 – 0.01365) / 0.0254 = 4.97


= 4.97 * 3.738

= 18.57 m

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (40)


5.3 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

The outlet stream from absorber at 110 C is cooled to 30 C and forwarded to storage tank.

Heat Exchange between Formalin & Water:

Cp(kJ/kg-C) Density


Temp In

(o C)

Temp Out (o C)

Formalin 1.179 815.3 T1 = 110 T2=30

Water 4.18 998.70 t1 = 25 t2 =40

Heat Capacity of Formaldehyde (liquid) = 2.1 kJ /kg o C

Heat Load, Q = m*Cp*∆T = m*Cp* (T1 – T2)

= 2604.16*2.1*(110-30)

= 437498.88 kJ / hr.

= 121.527 kJ / s

This Heat load will transfer to Water.

Heat Capacity of Water = 4.18 kJ / kg o C

Q = m*Cp (t2 – t1)

121.527 = m*4.18*(40-25)

m = 1.9363 kg/s

For counter-current flow

∆TLMTD = ((T1 - t2) – (T2 - t1)) / ln ((T1 - t2) / (T2 - t1))

= ((110 – 30) – (40-25)) / ln ((110 – 30)/ (40 – 25))

= 38.922 o C

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (41)


For correction factor

R = ((T1 - T2) / (t2 - t1)) = (110 – 30) / (40 – 25) = 5.33

S = (t2 - t1) / (T1 - t1) = (40 – 25) / (110 – 25) = 0.1764

Take one shell pass & two tube passes

From Temperature correction factor graph

Ft = 0.7

∆Tm = Ft*∆TLMTD= 0.7*38.922= 27.2454 oC

From STD Prediction data tube from Perry, 8th edition,

For Water-Organic substance system,

Assume overall coefficient U = 283.65 W/m2oC

Q = U*A*∆Tm

Provisional area

A = Q/U∆T= (121.527*1000) / (283.65*27.2454) = 15.725 m2

Choose 20 mm o.d., 16 mm i.d., and 4.88 m long tubes, MOC = cupro-nickel

Allowing for tube-sheet thickness, take

L = 4.83 m

Area of one tube = 4.83*20*10-3*π = 0.303324 m2

Number of tubes, Nt = 15.725 / 0.303324 = 52

As the shell-side fluid is relatively clean use 1.25 triangular pitch.

Shell Side = Formaldehyde solution

Tube Side = Water

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (42)


For 2 Pass, K1 = 0.249, n1 = 2.207

Bundle diameter Db = do (Nt / K1)1/n1 = 20 (52 / 0.249)1/2.207= 224.97 mm

Use a split-ring floating head type.

From Figure Shell-bundle clearance, bundle diametrical clearance = 65 mm

Shell diameter, Ds = 224.97 + 65 = 289.97 mm

Tube-side coefficient

Mean water temperature = (25 + 40)/2 = 32.5oC ~ 33C

µ = 0.89*10-3mPa-s

Tube cross-sectional area, = (π /4) *di2 = (3.14/4)*162 = 201 mm2

Tubes per pass = 52/2 = 26

Total flow area, A = 26*201*10-6 = 0.005226 m2

Water mass Velocity = m/A = (1.9363) / 0.005226 = 370.5128 Kg/m2 s

Density of water = 998 Kg/m3

Water linear Velocity = 370.5128 / 998 = 0.3712 m/s

Co-efficient for water hi:

Re = ρ*u*di / µ = (998*0.3712*0.016) / (0.00089) = 6659.91

Pr = Cp µ/ Kf= (4.18*1000)*(0.00089) / 0.6 = 6.2033

Re > 4000, Use Seider-Tate equation

Nu = 0.023 * (Re) 0.8 * (Pr) 0.33

Nu = 0.023 * (6659.91) ^ 0.8) * (6.2033) ^ 0.33 = 48.091

hi * di / kf = 48.091

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (43)


hi = 48.091*0.6 / 0.016

hi = 1803.43 W/m2oC

Shell-side coefficient

Choose baffle spacing, lB = Ds / 5 =289.97 / 5 = 57.994 mm.

Tube pitch, Pt = 1.25*20 = 25 mm

Cross-flow area, As = ((Pt – do)/ Pt) * Ds * lB

= ((25-20) / 25) * 289.97 * 57.994 *10-6 = 0.003363 m2

Mass Velocity, Gs = (2604.167/ 3600) / 0.003363 = 215.099 Kg/m2 s

Equivalent dia., de = (1.10/do)*(Pt2 – 0.917do2) = (1.10/20)*(252 – 0.917*202) = 14.2 mm

Mean Shell side Temp. = (110 + 30) = 70 o C

Formaldehyde solution Density = 815.3 Kg/m3

Viscosity = 2.58 * 10 ^ -3 Pa-s

Cp = 2.1 KJ/kg o C

kf = 0.065 W/m o C

Re = Gs*Ds / µ = (215.099 * 289) / (2.58 * 10-3) = 24094.42

Pr = Cp µ/ Kf = (2.1*1000) * (2.58 * 10-3) / 0.065 = 83.35

Re > 4000, Use Seider-Tate equation

Nu = 0.023 * (Re) 0.8 * (Pr) 0.33

= 0.023 * (24094.42) ^ 0.8 * (83.35) ^ 0.33

= 317

hs * 0.142/0.065 = 317

hs = 1451.3925 W/m2oC

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (44)


Overall Coefficient

Thermal conductivity of cupro-nickel alloys = 50 W/m oC

Fouling coefficients for Heavy hydrocarbons, hod = hid = 2000 W/m2oC

(1/Uo) = (1/ho) + (1/hod) + ((do ln (do/di)) / 2kw) + (do/ (di*hid)) + (do/ (di*hi))

= (1/1451.3925) + (1/2000) + ((0.020*ln (20/16))/ 2*50) + (20/ (16*2000))

+ (20/ (16*1803.43.16))

1/Uo = 0.002255

Uo = 392.1568 W/m2oC

Well above assumed value of 283.65 W/m2oC therefore our design is justified.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (45)



Price of 1 equipment Total price (rs) 66000 132000

6844200 6844200

1980000 9900000

3300000 3300000

349800 1049400

2897400 2897400

5990985 5990985

1021680 1021680

Total equipment cost = Rs 170032665


Sr. No. Item % of TEC Total Cost

1 Purchased Equipment - 170032665

2 Instrumentation 23 39107512.95

3 Piping 64 108820905.6

4 Electrical 15 25504899.75

5 Buildings 13 22104246.45

6 Yard Improvement 10 17003266.5

7 Service Facilities 75 127524498.8

8 Land 12 20403919.8

9 Engineering and Supervision 7 11902286.55

10 Construction Expenses 42 71413719.3

Total Direct and Indirect investment = Rs 112399750.7 (Sum of all above costs)

Equipment Quantity

Blower 1

Reactor 1

Heat Exchanger 5

Absorber 1

Pump 3

Storage tank 1

Catalyst 1

Packing 1

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (46)


11 Contractors Fee 5% of D & ID cost 5619987.533

12 Contingency 10% of D & ID cost 11239975.07

Fixed Capital Investment = Rs 129259713.2

Working Capital Investment = 15 % of FCI = Rs 32314928.31

Total Capital Investment = WCI + FCI

Rs 161574641.6

Component Methanol Formaldehyde

Price 22 Rs/l 20 Rs/kg

Raw material cost = 22000 Rs / m3

Amount of Methanol used per year = 26791.21 * 365 = 9778791.65 kg / year

= 9778791.65 / 792 = 12346.95 m3 / year

= 12346.95 * 22000 = 271633101.4 Rs/year

Production cost

1 Raw Material Cost 271633101.4 2 Operating Labor Cost 10% of TEC 3113566.5 3 Utility Cost 15% of TEC 4670349.75 4 Maintenance & Repair cost 5% of FCI 6462985.662 5 Operating & Supply Cost 15% of M&RC 969447.8494 6 Laboratory & Testing Cost 15% of LC 155678.325 7 Patent & Royalties 3% of TEC 934069.95

Direct production cost = Rs 287939199.4

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (47)


Fixed Charges Depreciation 10% of FCI 12925971.32 Taxes 2% of FCI 2585194.265 Insurance 1% of FCI 1292597.132 Plant Overhead Cost 50% of Labor & Maintenance Cost 4788276.081 Administration Expenses 25% Labor cost 778391.625 Distribution & Market expenses 10% direct production cost 28793919.94 R&D Cost 5% FCI 6462985.662 Interest 8% FCI 10340777.06

Total Production cost = Rs 517481954.1

Profitability Analysis

Total Income(Total Product Cost) 798437500 Gross profit 280955545.9 30% income tax 84286663.78 3% surcharge 2528599.913 Net Profit 194140282.2 Rate of return 173.8859163 Rate of return after taxes 120.1551681 Turnover ratio 6.177001944 Payback Period 0.832257168

Total Income = Rs 798437500 (total product cost)

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (48)


Gross profit = Total Income – Total Product Cost

= 798437500 – 517481954.1

= Rs. 280955545.9

Income tax = 30%

Tax= 0.3 x 280955545.9

= Rs 84286663.78

3% surcharge

Surcharge = 0.03 x 84286663.78

= Rs. 2528599.913

Net Profit = Gross profit - Taxes

= 280955545.9 – (84286663.78 + 2528599.913 )

= Rs. 194140282.2

Rate of Return:

Rate of return = (Net profit/ total capital investment) x100

= (194140282.2 / 161574641.6) x 100

= 173.8859163 %

Payback Period = fixed capital investment/ Net profit

= Rs 129259713.2 / 194140282.2

= 0.832257168

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (49)




The economic construction and efficient operation of any process unit will depend upon how

well the plant and equipment specified on the process flow-sheet are laid out and on the

profitability of the project with its scope for future expansion. Plant location and site selection

should be made before the plant layout.

6.1 Factors affecting location of plant

Location with respect to marketing area

For materials that are produced in bulk quantities, such as cement, mineral acids, and fertilizers

where the cost of product per tone is relatively low and the cost of transport a significant fraction

of the sales price, the plant should be located close to the primary product. This consideration

will be less important for low volume production, high-priced products, such as pharmaceutical.

Raw materials supply

The availability and price of suitable raw materials will often determine the site location. Plants

producing bulk chemicals are best located close to the source of major raw materials, where this

is also close to the marketing area. For the production of formaldehyde the site should be

preferably near a methanol plant.

Transportation facilities

Transport of raw materials and products is an important factor to be considered. Transport of

products can be in any of the four modes of transport. Generally there should be at least two

modes of transportation i.e. either rail/road or rail/sea or sea/road.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (50)


Availability of labor

Labor will be needed for construction of the plant and its operation. Skilled construction workers

will be employed from outside the site area, but there should be an adequate pool of unskilled

labors available locally; and labor suitable for training to operate the plant. Skilled tradesman

will be needed for plant maintenance. Local trade union customs and restrictive practices will

have to be considered when assessing the availability and suitability of the local labor for

recruitment and training.

Availability of utilities

Utilities required by the plant must be easily available. For example Formaldehyde plant requires

water in large quantities which can be drawn from local water body it a lake or river. There

should also be arrangement of steam production inside the plant so that the plant can produce its

own electricity and it wouldn’t be dependent on foreign bodies.

Availability of suitable land

Sufficient suitable land must be available for the proposed plant and for future expansion. The

land should ideally be flat, well drained and have suitable load bearing characteristics full site

evaluation should be made to determine the need for piling or other special foundations. The

plant should not be laid out on a land which is sticky or retains moisture for larger period as it

may weaken the structure.

Environmental impact and effluent disposal

All industrial processes produce waste products, and full consideration must be given to the

difficulties and cost of their disposal. The disposal of toxic and harmful effluents will be covered

by the local regulations and the appropriate authorities must be consulted during the initial

survey to determine the standards that must be met. Even the slightest violations of the policies

adopted by local/state body (in this case GPCB) will lead to shut down of the plant immediately.

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Local community consideration

The proposed plant must be acceptable to the local community. Full consideration must be given

to the safe location of the plant so that it does not impose a significant additional risk to the

community residing nearby. On a new site, the local community must be able to provide

adequate facilities for the plant personnel.

Climate conditions

Adverse climatic conditions, at a site will increase costs. Abnormally low temperatures will

require the provision of additional insulation and special heating for equipment and pipe runs.

Also locations must be carefully where the possibilities of natural disaster viz. earthquakes,

floods, landslides, hurricanes etc are minimal. This plant has a reactor which operates at 300

degree Celsius; therefore adverse climate conditions will cause difficulties in maintaining the


Political and strategic considerations

Capital grants, tax concessions and other inducements are often given by governments to direct

new investment to preferred locations; such as areas of high unemployment. The availability of

such grants can be overriding consideration in the site selection.

After considering the location of the site the plant layout is completed. It involves placing of

equipment so that the following are minimized:

Damage to persons and property in case of fire explosion or toxic release

Maintenance costs

Number of people required to operate the plant.

Construction costs

Cost of planned expansion.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (52)


In plant layout the primary thing that should be done is to determine the direction of the

prevailing wind. Wind direction will decide the location of the plant.

Items that should be located upwind of the plan. Upwind direction is the direction towards which

wind is blowing .Laboratories, Fire station, Offices building, Canteen and Change house,

Storehouse, Medical facilities, Electrical substation, Water treatment plant, Water pumps,


Items that should be located downwind of the plant. Downwind is direction opposite to direction

of blowing wind. Blow-down tanks, settling tanks, burning flares.

6.2 Site layout

Main processing unit

Storage house for raw materials and intermediate products

Maintenance workshops

Laboratories for process control

Fire stations and other emergency services

Steam boilers, compressed air, power generation, refrigeration

Effluent disposal plant

Offices for general administration

Canteens and other amenity buildings, such as medical centers


Main Processing area

Processing area also known as plant area is the main part of the plant where the actual production

takes place. There are two ways of laying out the processing area

1) Grouped layout

2) Flow line layout

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (53)


Grouped layout

Grouped layout places all similar pieces of equipment adjacent. This provides for ease of

operation and switching from one unit to another. This is suitable for all plants.

Flow line layout

Flow line layout uses the line system, which locates all the equipment in the order in which it

occurs on the flow sheet. This minimizes the length of transfer lines and therefore reduces the

energy needed to transport materials. This is used mainly for small volume products.

Storage house

The main stage areas should be placed between the loading and unloading facilities and the

process they serve. The amount of space required for storage is determined from how much is to

be stored in what containers. In raw material storage, liquids are stored in small containers or in a

pile on the ground. Automatic storage and retrieving equipment can be substantially cut down



Quality control laboratories are a necessary part of any plant and must be included in all cost

estimates. Adequate space must be provided in them for performing all tests, and for clearing and

storing laboratory sampling and testing containers.


The word “Utilities” is now generally used for ancillary services needed in the operation of any

production process. These services will normally be supplied from a central site facility and will

include: electricity, steam for process heating, cooling water, water for general use & Inert gas


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (54)


Electricity: electrical power will be needed at all the sites. Electrochemical processes that require

large quantities of power need to be located close to a cheap source of power. Transformers will

be used to step down the supply voltage to the voltages used on the purpose.

Steam for process heating: The steam for process heating is usually generated in water tube

boilers using the most economical fuel available. The process temperature can be obtained with

low pressure steam. A competitively priced fuel must be available on site for steam generation.

Cooling water: Chemical processes invariably require large quantities of water for cooling. The

cooling water required can be taken from a river or lake or from the sea.

Water for general use: Water is needed in large quantities for general purpose and the plant must

be located near the sources of water of suitable quality, process water may be drawn from river

from wells or purchased from a local authority.


The location of this building should be arranged so as to minimize the time spent by personnel in

travelling between buildings. Administration offices in which relatively large number of people

working should be located at safe distance from potentially hazardous handling equipments


Canteen should be spacious and large enough for the workers with good and hygienic food.

Fire station

Fire station should be located adjacent to the plant area, so that in case of fire or emergency, the

service can be put into action.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (55)


Medical facilities

Medical facilities should be provided with at least basic facilities giving first aid to the injured

workers. Provision must be made for the environmentally acceptable disposal of effluent.

The layout of the plant can be made effective by:

1. Adopting the shortest run of connecting pipe between equipments and the leas amount of

structural steel work and thereby reducing the cost.

2. The base of the column to provide the necessary positive suction head to a pump or operating

head for a reboiler.

3. Equipment that need frequent operator attention should be located convenient to control room.

Locating the vessels that require frequent replacement of packing or catalyst outside the building

4. Providing at least two escape routes for operators from each level in process buildings.

5. Convenient location of the equipment so that it can be tied with any future expansion of the


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (56)


Ideal location of plant:

Outskirts of Vadodara, because of the presence of Gujarat State Fertilizers and

Chemicals Ltd; manufactures methanol and is the preliminary raw material for

production of formaldehyde.

Outskirts of Bharuch, Dahej and Anleshwar because of presence of Gujarat Narmada

Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd; manufactures methanol.

The cities mentioned above a excellent connectivity through rails and roads (NH-8).

Also pipelines can be built without any complexities.

Presence of G.I.D.C in these cities also help in easing the requirements of labors; skilled

and unskilled.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (57)


Figure 7.1 Site Layout

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (58)



Instruments are provided to monitor key process variable during plant operation. It is desirable

that the process variable to be monitored be measured directly; often however this is impractical

and some dependent variable, that is easier to measure, is monitored in its place. The temperature

instrument may form part of a control loop controlling, say, reflux flow; with the composition of

the overheads checked frequently by sampling and laboratory analysis.


The primary objectives of the designer when specifying instrumentation and control schemes are:

1) Safe plant operation: To keep the process variables within known safe operating limits. To

detect dangerous situations as they develop and to provide alarms and automatic shut down

systems. To provide interlocks and alarms to prevent dangerous operating procedures

2) Production rate: To achieve the design product output

3) Product quality: To maintain the product composition within the specified quality standards

4) Cost: To operate at the lowest production cost, commensurate with the other objectives.

In a typical chemical processing plant these objectives are achieved by combination of automatic

control, manual monitoring and laboratory analysis.

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Guide rules:

1. Identify and draw in those control loops that are obviously needed for steady plant operation,

such as:

Level controls

Flow controls

Pressure controls

Temperature controls

2. Identify the key process variables that need to be controlled to achieve the specified product

quality. For example in this plant, temperature of the isothermal reactor has to be maintained at

300oC; this can be done with the help of Optical/Radiation pyrometers. Include control loops

using direct measurement of the controlled variable, where possible, if not practicable, select a

suitable dependent variable.

3. Identify and include those additional control loops required for safe operation, not already

covered in steps 1 & 2

4. Decide & show those ancillary instruments needed for monitoring of the plant operation by the

operators; and for trouble-shooting and plant development. It is well worthwhile including

additional connections for instruments, which may be needed for future troubleshooting and

development, even if the instruments are not installed permanently. This would include extra

thermowells, pressure tapings, orifice flanges, and extra sample points.

5. Decide on the location of sample points.

6. Decide on the need for recorders and the location of the readout points, local or control room.

This step would be done in conjunction with step 1 to 4

7. Decide on the alarms and interlocks need, this would be done in conjunction with step 3.

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Typical control Systems

Level control

In any equipment where an interface exists between two phases some means of maintaining the

interface at the required level must be provided. This may be incorporated in the design of the

equipment. The control valve should be placed on the discharge line from the pump.

Pressure control

Pressure control will be necessary for most systems handling vapor or gas. The method of

control will depend on the nature of process.

Flow control

Flow control is usually associated with inventory control in a storage tank or other equipment.

There must be a reservoir to take up the changes in flow rate. To provide flow control on a

compression or pump running at a fixed speed and supplying a near constant volume output, a

by-pass would be used.

Heat Exchangers

Here, the temperature can be controlled by varying the flow of the cooling or heating medium. If

the exchange is between two process streams whose flows are fixed, by-pass control will have to

be used.

Cascade control

With this arrangement, the output of one controller is used to adjust the set point of another.

Cascade control a give smoother control in situations where

Direct control of variable would lead to unstable operation. The “slave” controller can be used to

compensate for any short-term variations in, say, a service stream flow, which would upset the

controlled variable, the primary controller and long term variations.

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Reactor control

The schemes used for reactor control depend on the process and type of reactor. If a reliable on-

line analyzer is available and the reactor dynamics are suitable, the product composition can be

monitored continuously and the reactor conditions and feed flows controlled automatically to

maintain the desired product composition and yield. More often, the operation is the final link in

the control loop, adjusting the controller set points to maintain the product within specification,

based on periodic laboratory analyzer. Reactor temperature will normally be controlled by

regulating the flow of the heating or cooling medium. Pressure is usually held constant. Material

balance control will be necessary to maintain the correct flow of reactants to the reactor and flow

of product and unreacted materials from the reactor.

Alarms and safety trips, and interlocks

Alarms are used to alert operators of serious and potentially hazardous, deviations in process

conditions. Key instruments are fitted with switches and relays to operate audible and visual

alarms on the control panels. Where delay or lack of response from the operator may lead to a

hazardous situation, the instrument would be fitted with trip system to take action automatically

to avert the hazard. Interlocks are included to prevent operations departing from the required

sequence. They may be incorporated in the control system design, as pneumatic or mechanical


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (62)



Formaldehyde is a common sensitizing agent found in laboratories that that can trigger an

allergic reaction in normal tissue after single or repeated exposures. It is also classified as a

known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research

on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA). Researchers must understand the hazardous properties of formaldehyde so that control

measures can be taken to minimize exposure.


Acute Toxicity: Formaldehyde can be highly toxic if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed though

skin. Ingestion of as little as 30 ml (1 oz.) of a solution containing 37% formaldehyde has been

reported to cause death in adults.

Carcinogenicity- Formaldehyde is classified as a suspected human carcinogen, based on

evidence obtained from human and/or animal studies.

Flammability: According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), a 37%

formaldehyde solution is classified as a Category 4 flammable liquid with a flashpoint of 64 °C

(147 °F). Formaldehyde becomes a fire or explosion hazard in the presence of heat, flames or

other sources of ignition. Upon ignition, the chemical decomposes into carbon oxides (i.e. carbon

monoxide, carbon dioxide), which can be hazardous to humans.

Respiratory & Skin Sensitization: Exposure to formaldehyde can lead to allergic reactions in

certain individuals. Sensitization is an immune response. Therefore, some people may be easily

sensitized upon repeated exposure while others may never be affected. In sensitized individuals,

formaldehyde can cause asthma, contact dermatitis, anaphylactic reactions and, in rare cases,


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (63)


Skin Corrosion: Formaldehyde can become irritating to the eyes at low concentrations.

Irreversible damage (i.e., corneal ulceration or cloudiness of the eye surface, death of eye surface

cells, and permanent loss of vision) can occur after a single exposure, depending on dose and

level of sensitivity. Ingestion may cause corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa, with

nausea, vomiting, pain, bleeding and perforation. Corrosive injuries are usually most pronounced

in the pharyngeal mucosa, epiglottis, esophagus and stomach.

Skin Irritation: At concentrations near 0.1 parts per million (ppm), exposure to formaldehyde

can be irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include coughing,

wheezing, dermatitis, headaches, watery eyes, nausea, chest tightness and burning sensations in

the eyes, nose and throat. Long-term exposure can result in headaches, insomnia, depression,

mood changes, attention deficit and impairment of dexterity, memory and equilibrium.

Specific Target Organ Toxicity: Both formaldehyde and the methanol stabilizer are easily

absorbed and can contribute to systemic toxicity. Formaldehyde has been shown to decrease

fertility and increase the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in humans. In addition to

cancer, chronic exposure to formaldehyde has been linked to chronic gastritis, hematemesis (i.e.

vomiting blood), inflammation of the lungs and airways, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure,

renal failure and permanent alterations of nervous system function.

Stability & Reactivity

Formaldehyde is stable under recommended storage conditions. Efforts should be made to keep

formaldehyde away from heat, flames and sparks. Formaldehyde is incompatible with aniline,

phenol, isocyanides, acid anhydrides, strong acids, strong bases, strong oxidizing agents, amines

and peroxides. Decomposition of formaldehyde under fire conditions yields carbon dioxide and

carbon monoxide.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (64)


Exposure Limits & Air Monitoring

No employee should be exposed to an airborne concentration of formaldehyde which exceeds

0.75 parts formaldehyde per million parts of air (0.75 ppm) as an 8-hour time-weighted average

(TWA). In addition, no employee should be exposed to an airborne concentration of

formaldehyde which exceeds two parts formaldehyde per million parts of air (2 ppm) as a 15-

minute short-term exposure limit (STEL). The action level for formaldehyde is 0.5 ppm averaged

over an 8-hour period. Air monitoring, medical surveillance and other special requirements are

required when researchers become exposed to formaldehyde at or above the action level,

permissible exposure limit, or short-term exposure limit as well as when individuals develop

signs and symptoms of overexposure.

In order to ensure employees are not being overexposed to formaldehyde in laboratories, periodic

exposure monitoring may be required.

Safe Work Practices

Read and understand the safety data sheet (SDS) for formaldehyde prior to use. Safety

data sheets should be readily accessible in the lab at all times.

Departments, professors or lab supervisors should train employees on safe work practices

using formaldehyde.

If possible, substitute less hazardous chemicals for formaldehyde (e.g. Hydrogen

peroxide-based solutions often can be used as disinfectants. Ethyl alcohol, polyethylene

glycol or phenoxyethanol can be used as fixatives or preservatives).

Properly label secondary containers holding formaldehyde solutions.

Store formaldehyde in an approved flammable storage cabinet with compatible


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (65)


Containers of formaldehyde in should be kept in closed containers away from sources


Use formaldehyde with adequate ventilation, preferably in a fume hood or under local

exhaust ventilation, to minimize inhalation of vapors.

Don’t mouth pipette formaldehyde solutions.

Containers larger than 4L (1 gallon) should be stored inside a deep pan or other

secondary containment bin that is large enough to contain the contents of the bottle

should an accident occur.

Personal Protection

Eye Protection- Tight-fitting safety goggles or a full face shield (8-inch minimum) should be

worn when handling formaldehyde. Newly purchased eye and face protection should comply

with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2010.

Foot Protection- Closed-toed footwear is required in all laboratories with hazardous chemicals.

Hand Protection- Concentrated formaldehyde solutions (i.e. 10% or greater) should be handled

with medium or heavyweight nitrile, neoprene, natural rubber or PVC gloves. Disposable (exam)

nitrile gloves may be used when handling dilute (i.e. 10% or less) formaldehyde solutions...

Gloves should be inspected prior to each use. Gloves should be removed properly (i.e. without

touching the glove's outer surface with bare skin) to avoid skin contact with the chemical. Hands

should be washed properly with soap and water following glove removal.

Skin and Body Protection- In most laboratories, a lab coat or chemical-resistant apron should

be worn when handling formaldehyde. Further protection for the body may be necessary

depending on the concentrations of formaldehyde being used and operations being performed.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (66)


Respiratory Protection- Researchers working in labs with formaldehyde that have exceeded the

OSHA action level, permissible exposure limit or short-term exposure limit may be required to

wear respiratory protection. All employees required to wear respirators in laboratories must have

a medical evaluation, training and a fit test prior to use.


Keep containers closed when not in use.

Open containers slowly to allow any excess pressure to vent.

Keep away from heat, sparks, flame, or other sources of ignition.

Protect small containers from physical damage.

Use proper electrical grounding and bonding procedures when loading, unloading, and


Use spark-resistant tools.

Reactor Vessel

Empty the tank of as much formaldehyde solution as possible and inspect for

paraformaldehyde (paraform) build-up.

Large deposits of paraform can be broken up by hydroblasting and removed by vacuum

equipment. The remaining residues and paraform powder on the walls and lines can then

be removed by following the cleaning procedure outlined below.

Relatively small amounts of paraform and residues from hydroblasting can be removed

by first washing with hot water followed by dissolving in a 2 to 4 weight percent caustic

(sodium hydroxide) solution if necessary.

Add sufficient water to cover all the paraform deposits and to recirculate through all the

lines to be cleaned. Heat to 70oC (158oF) maximum. Higher temperatures may put the

resultant formaldehyde and methanol solution above its flash point. Agitate and

recirculate as best as possible for 24 hours. Pump out as much of the solution as possible.

In a separate vessel prepare a 2 ® 4 wt % NaOH solution sufficient to cover the paraform

deposits and to circulate through the lines to be cleaned. Do not exceed 4% NaOH by

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (67)


weight and make sure the solution temperatures are below 49oC (120oF) before

pumping into the tank and lines to be cleaned.

Drain all lines and pump all cleaning solution from the tank to a container for disposal.

The cleaning solution must be completely removed from the system by water washing.

All lines, walls, pumps, filters, etc. must be rinsed until the effluent water is less than

0.01% NaOH by analysis.

Drain all remaining water as completely as possible.

Before refilling the tank with high concentration HCHO solutions (e.g. 50% aqueous

HCHO), the tank should be preheated to a skin temperature of 38o C (100oF) to prevent

paraformaldehyde formation on contact with the cold surfaces.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (68)


RFERENCES 1) Robert E Treybal, “Mass Transfer Operations”, Third edition, McGraw Hill

2) Kirk-Othmer, “Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology”, 7th Ed., Volume-1, John Wiley &

Sons Inc., Page No:-490-510

3) R. H. Perry and Don W. Green, “Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Hand Book”, 6th and 7th Ed.,

Mc-Graw Hill International edition.

4) M. V.Joshi, “Process Equipment Design”, 2nd Ed., Mc-Millan India Ltd.

5) B.C.Bhattacharya, “Chemical equipment Design”, Chemical Engineering Education

Development Centre.

6) R. K. Sinnott, “Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, volume-6, Chemical

Equipment Design” 3rd Ed., Butter Worth-Heinemann, Page No- 828-855, 891-895.

7) M. Gopal Rao and Marshall Sittig, “Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology”, 2nd Ed.,

East-West press, Page No:-431-433.

8) B.K.Dutta, “Principles of mass transfer and separation process “

9) Timmerhaus & Peter, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical engineers, Fourth Edition 10) The OSHA Standard for Formaldehyde (29 CF1910.1048 ) 11) Formaldehyde- Safe Work Practices, UCONN. Division of Environmental Health & Safety Best Management Practices. 12) I.D.Mall, “Petrochemical Process Technology “. 2006 13) Formaldehyde solutions, Product Handling Guide, Celanese Chemicals. 14) L.E.Brownell and E.H.Young, Process Equipment Design, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 15) “Informally speaking”, 2015, a formaldehyde magazine from JM Formox. 16) J. FREDERIC WALKER, “Fromaldehyde”, Chemical Research Division, Electrochemicals Department. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (69)


17) Ullmann - Encyclopedia Of Chemical Technology, Vol. A11, 1997. 18) Mccabe, Smith and Harriot - Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering ,sixth edition,McGraw Hill,2001.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (70)






UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS CANADA, INC. 24-Hour Emergency Phone: 1-800-561-8273

789 Donnybrook Drive • Dorchester, Ontario N0L 1G5 Additional Emergency Phone

(Canutec): 1-613-996-6666 (Collect)

PRODUCT NAME: Formaldehyde

PRODUCT USE: Fungicide – Group U

PCP REG. NO.: 6998

MSDS Number: 6998-11-UAP MSDS Revisions: Sections 1 and 4 Date of Issue: 01/07/11

Supersedes: 01/07/08



containers tightly closed to prevent escape of the formaldehyde and loss of strength. Causes

irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Avoid exposure to fumes and contact with skin, eyes

and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact and breathing of vapour. This product is clear,

colourless liquid with pungent odour.

Warning Statements:

NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Vapours are very irritating to eyes, nose, and upper respiratory tract.

High concentrations may produce edema or spasm of the larynx. Severe tracheobronchitis may

result from inhalation. Contact with vapour or solution causes the skin to become white, rough,

hard, and anesthetic.


Chemical Ingredients: Percentage by Weight: CAS No. TLV (Units)

Formaldehyde 37.00 50-00-0 0.37 mg/m3 C

Methanol 7.00 67-56-1 262 mg/m3


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (71)


If in eyes: If splashed in eyes, wash freely with water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

If on skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water.

If swallowed: Give a weak solution of ammonia, then egg white or milk. Induce vomiting by

inserting finger down the throat; repeat 3 times.

Give stimulants and demulcents such as gruel or flour and water. Call a poison control centre or

doctor immediately for treatment advice.

If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air. Have person lie down and keep quiet and warm. Give

egg white or milk. Call a poison control centre or doctor for further treatment advice.


FLASH POINT (°C/Test Method): 78OC (PMCC)


EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use medium appropriate to surrounding fire. Use dry chemical,

"alcohol foam", carbon dioxide, or water in flooding amounts as fog. Solid streams may not be


HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Moderate fire and explosion hazard when

exposed to heat or flame.

SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus with

full protective clothing. Fight fire from upwind and keep all non-essential personnel out of area

of intense smoke.

UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Empty containers may contain explosive

vapours. If water is used to fight fire and/or cool containers, contain runoff, using dikes to

prevent contamination of water supplies.



Eliminate all ignition sources. Contain spill and absorb with suitable absorbent, sweep up

material and transfer to containers for proper disposal. Wash spill area with water containing

strong detergent, absorb and sweep up as above. Check local, provincial and federal regulations

for proper disposal.

CAUTION: Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies of water.

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (72)



HANDLING: Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the

toilet. Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on

clean clothing. Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves

before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.

STORAGE: Store in original container only. Do not store below 15OC as precipitation may

occur. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Store away from seeds, fertilizer, plants,

and foodstuffs. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

Personal Protective Equipment: Applicators and other handlers must wear: long sleeved

shirt and long pants, wear a suitable NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator with organic vapour

cartridges or wear self-contained breathing apparatus to prevent inhalation of gas fumes, rubber

or chemicalresistant gloves, rubber boots plus socks, and protective eyewear. Follow

manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for

washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. After

each day of use, clothing or PPE must no be reused until it has been cleaned.


ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Work in well-ventilated area. If vapours are too strong, use

mechanical ventilation.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If vapours or mists become excessive, wear a NIOSH

approved pesticide respirator with organic vapour cartridges.

EYE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles, shielded safety glasses, or full-face shield if

splashing is likely to occur.

SKIN PROTECTION: Wear protective clothing: long-sleeved shirts and pants, apron,

chemical-resistant rubber boots and socks. Wear rubber or chemical-resistant gloves.


Formaldehyde 0.75 ppm 0.37 mg/m3 C (Ceiling)

Methanol 260 mg/m3 200 ppm (Skin)


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (73)


APPEARANCE AND ODOUR: Clear, colourless liquid with pungent odour. SOLUBILITY:


SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Water = 1): 1,08 g/ml BULK DENSITY: 1,08 kg/L. pH: 3.5 – 4.5


PERCENT VOLATILE (by volume): Not established EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl

Acetate = 1): Similar to water

Note: These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample

to sample.

Typical values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as

specification items.


STABILITY: Formaldehyde solutions may self-polymerize to form paraformaldehyde which


CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat or extreme cold.

INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong oxidizing agents, caustics, strong alkalies, isocyanates,

anhydrides, oxides, and inorganic acids. Formaldehyde reacts with hydrochloric acid to form the

potent carcinogen, bis-chloromethyl ether. Formaldehyde reacts with nitrogen dioxide,

nitromethane, perchloric acid and aniline, or peroxyformic acid to yield explosive compounds. A

violent reaction occurs when formaldehyde is mixed with strong oxidizers.

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxygen from the air can oxidize

formaldehyde to formic acid, especially when heated. Formic acid is corrosive.



Acute Oral LD50 (rat): 800 mg/kg (Formaldehyde) Acute Dermal LD50 (rabbit): 540 mg/kg


Eye Irritation (rabbit): May cause mild irritation Skin Irritation (rabbit): Causes irritation

Inhalation LC50 (rat): 250 ppm (4HR) Skin Sensitization (guinea pig): Sensitizer

Carcinogenic Potential: OSHA lists Formaldehyde as a carcinogen; NTP lists Formaldehyde as

NTP-R: Reasonably Anticipated To Be A Human

Carcinogen; ACGIH lists Formaldehyde as TLV-A2: Suspected Human Carcinogen; IARC lists

Formaldehyde as Carcinogenic to Humans; NIOSH lists

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (74)


Formaldehyde as a Potential occupational carcinogen, with no further categorization; EPA lists

Formaldehyde as EPA-B1: Limited evidence of carcinogenicity from epidemiologic studies.


Formaldehyde dissolves easily but does not last a long time in water. Most formaldehyde in the

air breaks down during the day. The breakdown products of formaldehyde are formic acid and

carbon monoxide. Formaldehyde does not build up in plants and animals. Do not contaminate

water when disposing of equipment wash water.



Do not reuse containers for any purpose. Refillable Container: For disposal, the container may be

returned to the point of purchase (dealer/distributor). It must be refilled by the dealer/distributor

with the same product. Container is recyclable, and is to be disposed of at a container collection

site. Contact your local dealer/distributor for the location of the nearest collection site. Before

taking container to the collection site: Triple or pressure-rinse the empty container, adding the

rinsate to the spray tank. Make the empty container unsuitable for further use. If there is no

container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial

requirements. For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the

manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by

storage or disposal

Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde) production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (75)


Formalin ( 37 % formaldehyde)  production through methanol oxidation - [PDF Document] (2024)


How do you oxidize methanol to formaldehyde? ›

In the conversion of methanol to formaldehyde, catalysed by iron–molybdenum oxide catalyst, two consecutive reactions occur that are CH 3 OH + 1 2 O 2 → CH 2 O + H 2 O , CH 2 O + 1 2 O 2 → CO + H 2 O The conditions for the reaction, together with catalyst characteristics and other physical parameters, are reported in ...

What is the manufacturing process of formaldehyde from methanol? ›

Methanol is vaporized and mixed with air and steam and it is then passed over a thin bed of silver catalyst at 650°C. Formaldehyde is formed by the dehydrogenation of methanol.

What are 37% aqueous solutions of formaldehyde often stabilized with methanol also known as? ›

Formalin is typically 37% formaldehyde by weight (40% by volume) and 6-13% methanol by volume in water.

Is formaldehyde produced by the catalytic oxidation of methanol? ›

Formaldehyde is produced commercially by the catalytic oxidation of methanol. In a side reaction, methanol is oxidized to CO2. CH3OH + O2 → CH2O + H2O CH3OH + O2 → CO2 + 2H20 A mixture containing 55.6 mole% methanol and the balance oxygen enters a reactor at 350°C and 1 atm at a rate of 4.60 x 104 L/s.

How to separate formaldehyde from methanol? ›

Methanol can be readily removed from dilute aqueous formaldehyde solutions by fractional distillation.

What happens when you oxidize methanol? ›

Note: Methanol is oxidised by sodium or potassium dichromate acidified in dilute sulphuric acid to form the aldehyde methanal. If however, an excess of the oxidising agent is added and the reaction is allowed to continue with no removal of the aldehyde further oxidation to a carboxylic acid takes place.

How is formaldehyde made step by step? ›

In the commonly used formox process, methanol and oxygen react at c. 250–400 °C in presence of iron oxide in combination with molybdenum and/or vanadium to produce formaldehyde according to the chemical equation: 2 CH3OH + O2 → 2 CH2O + 2 H2O.

How do you make formaldehyde from methane? ›

The chemical reaction that takes place is : CH 4 + O 2 → Mo 2 O 3 HCHO ( Methane ) ( Oxygen ) ( Formaldehyde )

Is formalin and methanol the same as formaldehyde? ›

Formalin as well as methanal are the chemical terms that are used for formaldehyde. Thus, the given statement is true.

How to make 37% formaldehyde? ›

  1. Add 1.85 g of paraformaldehyde and 3.5 mL of H2O to a 100-mL Pyrex screw-cap tube.
  2. Cap loosely and place in a boiling water bath.
  3. Add 90 µL of 1 N NaOH. ...
  4. Cool by running the bottom of the tube under a stream of tap water.

Which enzyme converts methanol to formaldehyde? ›

... 12 Once the methanol is consumed, it converts into formaldehyde by enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in liver.

What is the difference between formalin and formaldehyde? ›

Formaldehyde is a small molecule that is a gas at normal conditions. Formalin is ~40% saturated solution of formaldehyde. In this solution, formaldehyde forms polymers of paraformaldehyde. 10% formalin is a 1:10 dilution of formalin and contains ~4% paraformaldehyde (or formaldehyde).

Why use methanol free formaldehyde? ›

Methanol promotes clumping of proteins, instead of the cross-linking of proteins that formaldehyde performs. A methanol-free fixative will give the best preservation, particularly if you plan to use the tissue for antibody staining at a later time.

How will you prepare methanol from formaldehyde without using a reducing agent? ›

How will you convert methanal to methanol without using any reducing agent? By simply adding conc. NaOH to methanal. It will undergo cannizzaro reaction and you will get two products one is methanol and another is formic acid salt.

What is the toxic product of methanol oxidation? ›

Methanol is metabolized to its toxic metabolite, formic acid/formate. Formic acid is responsible for metabolic acidosis and end-organ toxicity. End-organ toxicity includes primarily retinal damage, and possibly basal ganglia damage.

How do you convert methanol to formaldehyde? ›

It is synthesized via partial oxidation of methanol using a mixed oxide iron molybdate catalyst (Fe2(MoO4)3–MoO3). This is one of the standard energy-efficient processes. The mixed oxide iron molybdate catalyst is an attractive commercial catalyst for converting methanol to formaldehyde.

How is formaldehyde oxidized? ›

The autoxidation of formaldehyde through the initiation by triplet oxygen proceeds through two initial steps: (1) H-atom abstraction and (2) 3O2 addition reaction. The reactions are studied in the gas phase and also in the presence of a Brønsted acid and a water molecule.

What catalyst is used in the dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde? ›

CH2O is currently produced by the oxidative dehydrogenation/partial oxidation of methanol (CH3OH) in the gas phase in the presence of O2 in the feed, which is catalyzed over either silver catalysts (silver contact process) [3] or iron molybdate catalysts (Formox process) [4].

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.